Peer Beyond Feat 8Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #163: Ruins of Gauntlight pg. 81Archetype Ghost HunterPrerequisites Ghost Hunter Dedication
You have uncanny insight into the way
ghosts and
haunts manifest, manipulate the mind, and rejuvenate. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against
mental effects caused by
incorporeal undead and haunts, and you can roll a
Spirit Lore or Haunt Lore check for initiative if you know that an incorporeal undead or a haunt is present.
If you are present when a spirit or haunt is defeated, you instantly gain a flash of insight into how it can be permanently put to rest. Typically, this flash manifests as a vision that presents a quick scene closely linked to the source of the spirit or haunt's creation. Attempt a Spirit Lore or Haunt Lore check, respectively, with a DC appropriate for the spirit or haunt's level. On a success, you gain a hint about how to put the spirit to rest or permanently disable the haunt; on a critical success, you learn the exact method of doing so.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.