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PFS StandardLiving Bonfire [two-actions] Feat 4

Composite Fire Impulse Kineticist Primal Wood 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 36 2.0

Roots and branches of living wood writhe in elemental fire at your command, forming a bonfire fearsome enough to scare off predators in the night. You conjure a bonfire in an unoccupied 10-foot-square space within 30 feet. The bonfire burns for 10 hours, providing all the benefits of a normal campfire. If you use this impulse again, any previous one ends.

When you make a wood ranged Elemental Blast, you can have it come from the bonfire instead of you, flinging burning logs. This blast deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. Each time you do this, the size of the bonfire is reduced by one 5-foot square. If all the squares are removed, the impulse ends.
Level (+5) The fire damage increases by 1d6.



A composite impulse combines multiple elements. You can gain an impulse with the composite trait only if your kinetic elements include all the elements listed in the impulse's traits.


Effects with the fire trait deal fire damage or either conjure or manipulate fire. Those that manipulate fire have no effect in an area without fire. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of fire or have a magical connection to that element. Planes with this trait are composed of flames that continually burn with no fuel source. Fire planes are extremely hostile to non-fire creatures.


The primary magical actions kineticists use are called impulses. You can use an impulse only if your kinetic aura is active and channeling that element, and only if you have a hand free to shape the elemental flow. The impulse trait means the action has the concentrate trait unless another ability changes this. If an impulse allows you to choose an element, you can choose any element you're channeling, and the impulse gains that element's trait.


This magic comes from the primal tradition, connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with this trait is magical.


Effects with the wood trait conjure or manipulate wood. Those that manipulate wood have no effect in an area without wood. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of wood or have a connection to magical wood.

These planes consist of trees and other flora latticed in organic patterns. Wood planes are often perfectly constructed to match their desired purpose or environment but aren’t usually outright hostile to visitors.