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PFS StandardSwirling SandItem 7

Legacy Content

Rare Catalyst Consumable Magical 
Source Dark Archive pg. 72
Price 52 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate Cast a Spell
Swirling sand carries a faint trace of strange compulsions from the helical sand spire near Beachcomber. Adding this catalyst to a suggestion spell implants a strange compulsion in one target of the spell. The target creature must spin counterclockwise at the end of its turn if it didn't take a move action that turn. This spin is a free action that has the move trait. This effect lasts for 3 rounds on a success, failure, or critical failure against suggestion (even if the target completes its suggestion in fewer rounds); a target that critically succeeds against suggestion is unaffected by the swirling sand.