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PFS StandardInstinct CrownItem 10

Legacy Content

Invested Magical Transmutation 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 152 1.1
Price 900 gp
Usage worn headwear; Bulk L
An instinct crown is a magical headpiece imbued with the essence of instincts that barbarians draw upon in combat. Each crown is fashioned to represent the instinct it's tied to, such as a wolf's head for an animal instinct crown or a simple helmet with Jotun runes for a giant instinct crown. When worn, the crown allows you to tap further into your instincts, granting you even greater benefits if the crown's essence matches your instinct. You must be able to Rage to use the crown's activations.

Activate [free-action] envision; Frequency once per day; Trigger You roll initiative; Effect You Rage, gaining 10 additional temporary Hit Points.

Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once per day; Requirements The crown's instinct matches your barbarian instinct; Effect You Rage and draw upon your instinct to gain a boon, as follows.

Animal: Your bestial instincts take over, granting you greater ferocity. You can Stride as part of the activation, and you gain 10 additional temporary Hit Points. Until the end of your rage, you deal 3 additional damage with your animal's unarmed attacks, and those unarmed attacks gain the deadly d8 trait.

Dragon: The might of dragons surrounds you in the form of dancing flames, whirling ice, or another appropriate manifestation. Until the end of your rage, adjacent creatures that hit you with a melee attack, as well as creatures that touch you or hit you with an unarmed attack, take 2d6 damage each time they do. The damage type is that of your dragon's breath weapon.

Fury: Your boundless fury allows you push past your natural limits, moving with unmatched speed. You become quickened until the end of your rage. You can use your extra action only to Stride or Strike.

Giant: If you have the space to do so and aren't already, you become Large. Your equipment grows with you but returns to its natural size if removed. Increase your reach by 5 feet (or by 10 feet if you were Tiny). You deal 2 additional damage when using your larger weapon. Also, when you Stride along the ground, you can shatter the earth with your footfalls, and any squares you move through become difficult terrain. You ignore the difficult terrain you create. The ground reverts to normal when your rage ends.

Spirit: You take on the partial form of a spirit, becoming somewhat incorporeal. Your raging resistance applies to all physical damage and poison damage, although you halve this resistance against magical attacks.

Superstition: Your body fights off the effects of magic with even greater effect. Until the end of your rage, when you attempt a saving throw against magic, roll twice and take the higher result. This is a fortune effect. Also, your raging resistance applies to all magic traditions while you rage.