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PFS StandardConrasu CoinItem 3+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Magical Talisman 
Source Dark Archive pg. 155
Usage affixed to armor; Bulk
Activate [free-action] envision; Trigger varies, see entry
These wooden discs sometimes form spontaneously at the Wood Pile, a secret conrasu location suffused with extraplanar energy. A conrasu coin can be activated to call upon the power of a specific type of aeon.

PFS StandardConrasu Coin (Arbiter)Item 3

Source Dark Archive pg. 155
Price 7 gp
Trigger You attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression.
This coin has small wings like an arbiter, the messenger and diplomat aeon. When you activate the coin, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the Diplomacy check, which increases to a +3 circumstance bonus to Make an Impression on a lawful creature.

PFS StandardConrasu Coin (Bythos)Item 10

Source Dark Archive pg. 155
Price 200 gp
Trigger You're targeted with an attack but the opponent hasn't rolled yet.
This cog-like coin bears an hourglass on one side and the four-armed silhouette of a bythos—aeons that steward over time—on the other. When activated, you catch a glimpse of your body moving on one of its potential timelines in response to danger and you follow those movements to dodge. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the attack, and after resolving the attack, you can Stride up to 10 feet without triggering reactions. If you have the Nimble Roll feat and the attack misses, you can Stride up to 20 feet instead.