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Magic Wands | Specialty Wands

There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardWand of the SpiderItem 7+

Legacy Content

Conjuration Magical Poison Wand 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 265 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
The handle of this wand is a 5-inch-long piece of rosewood, but most of its length is a pair of twisted spider legs covered in gossamer webbing.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus overcharge; Effect You cast web, but the strands of webbing are envenomed. Any creature that fails their Athletics check or Reflex save to navigate the web takes 1d6 poison damage.

Craft Requirements Supply a casting of web of the appropriate level.

PFS StandardWand of the Spider (2nd-Level Spell)Item 7

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 265 2.0
Price 360 gp
Bulk L

PFS StandardWand of the Spider (4th-Level Spell)Item 11

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 265 2.0
Price 1,400 gp
Bulk L
The strands deal 2d6 poison damage plus 1d6 persistent poison damage.