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Wereant Poisoner

When overwhelming force is inadvisable, a wereant hive sends a poison-dripping assassin for murderous work. These poisoners love to terrify those dying in agony from their toxins.

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 41
Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 41
Unspecific Lore: DC 39
Specific Lore: DC 36

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Wereant PoisonerCreature 16

Legacy Content

Rare LE Medium Beast Human Humanoid Werecreature 
Source Pathfinder #174: Shadows of the Ancients pg. 87
Perception +27; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Common; insect empathy, telepathy 120 feet
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +28, Intimidation +28, Society +23, Stealth +30, Survival +28, Thievery +28
Str +6, Dex +9, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +5
Hive Mind (divination, primal) Wereants operate with a shared hive intelligence. While within telepathic range of at least one other wereant, a wereant disciple gains a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative checks, Perception checks, and saving throws against mental effects. If one wereant is aware of a combatant, all members of the hive mind within telepathic range are aware of it.
Insect Empathy (divination, primal) The wereant can communicate with insects.
Items +2 greater striking kukri (2)
AC 38; Fort +25, Ref +30, Will +27
HP 330; Weaknesses silver 15
Gnawing Retort [reaction] Trigger A creature adjacent to the wereant critically misses the wereant with a melee Strike; Effect The wereant makes a mandibles Strike against the triggering creature.
Speed 40 feet
Melee [one-action] mandibles +29 [+24/+19], Damage 3d10-2+12 slashing plus 2d6 persistent poison and curse of the wereantMelee [one-action] kukri +31 [+27/+23] (agile, finesse, magical, trip), Damage 3d6-2+12 slashing plus 2d6 persistent poisonChange Shape [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The wereant changes into their humanoid, hybrid, or animal shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance. A true wereant's natural form is their hybrid shape. In humanoid shape, they use their original humanoid size, lose their jaws and claw Strikes, and gain a melee fist Strike that deals bludgeoning damage equal to the slashing damage dealt by their mandibles. In animal shape, they take the form of a Medium giant ant, gain a climb Speed of 20 feet, gain Grab on their mandibles Strike, and lose their weapon Strikes.Curse of the Wereant (curse, necromancy, primal) This curse affects only humanoids; Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude. On each full moon, the cursed creature must succeed at another Fortitude save or turn into a wereant until dawn. The creature is under the GM's control and goes on a rampage for half the night before falling unconscious until dawn.Envenomed Weapons Weapons the wereant poisoner holds deal an additional 2d6 persistent poison damage as poison seeps from the wereant's hands onto the weapon. Weapons cease to deal this persistent poison damage once the wereant lets them go. The kukri Strikes above include this persistent poison damage.Moon Frenzy (polymorph, primal, transmutation) When a full moon appears in the night sky, the wereant must enter hybrid form, can't Change Shape, becomes one size larger, increases their reach by 5 feet, and increases the damage of their mandibles Strike by 2. When the moon sets or the sun rises, the wereant returns to humanoid form and is fatigued for 2d4 hours.Poisonous Flurry [two-actions] The wereant poisoner makes two kukri Strikes and a mandibles Strike in any order.Vitriolic Strikes If the wereant critically hits a creature with a melee Strike, that creature can't recover from persistent poison damage for 1 round.

All Monsters in "Werecreature, Wereant"

Wereant Disciple16
Wereant Poisoner17

Werecreature, Wereant

Source Pathfinder #174: Shadows of the Ancients pg. 86
Insectile werecreatures, such as wereants, only come about in unusual circumstances, such as powerful curses from inhuman gods or transformative magic run amok. Wereants work together with a natural cohesion that's rare in other types of werecreatures. The wereants presented here are more powerful than most wereants, as they've been warped by the forces contained within the Vesicant Egg.


Related Groups Werecreature
Werecreatures are humanoids doomed to transform into animals and animal-humanoid hybrids under the light of the full moon. These shapechanging creatures are the result of an ancient primal curse that they can, in turn, transmit through their own bites. Their ability to lurk unseen in the wilds as well as among people, combined with the contagiousness of their condition, makes werecreatures a perennial cause of panicked suspicion.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Community Seekers

A creature might be cursed as a wereant, but lone wereants don't remain on their own for long. Their hive mind calls out to other wereants, and they soon join with others in a psychic communion, working toward goals together. In their human forms, wereants might leave their lives behind to join other secret wereants as a band of traders, a construction crew, an entertainment troupe, or other group that sticks close together. They often keep giant ants nearby as pets or guardians.