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Chapter 4: Subsystems / Vehicles / Piloting a Vehicle

Piloting Actions

Source GM Core pg. 212 2.0
Characters use the actions listed below to move and interact with vehicles. The reckless trait is described below.

Board [one-action]

Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 175
Requirements You are adjacent to a point of entry on the vehicle you are attempting to board.
You board a vehicle through an open top, a door, a portal, or a hatch; if you’re already on board, you can instead use this action to disembark into an empty space adjacent to the vehicle’s point of entry. Using this action while the vehicle is in motion is challenging, requiring a successful Acrobatics or Athletics check with a DC equal to the vehicle’s AC.


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 175
Requirements You are piloting a vehicle.
You pilot your vehicle to move. Decide how many actions you intend to spend before you begin Driving. The effects depend on the number of actions you spend. You can’t Drive through spaces occupied by creatures, even if they are allies.

[one-action] Attempt a piloting check. On a success, the vehicle moves up to its Speed and can turn normally. On a failure, the vehicle moves its Speed in a straight line. On a critical failure, the vehicle moves its Speed in a straight line and becomes uncontrolled.

[two-actions] (reckless) The vehicle moves up to twice its Speed in a straight line at the vehicle’s current heading.

[three-actions] (reckless) You take a –5 penalty on your piloting check to maintain control of the vehicle. The vehicle moves up to three times its Speed in a straight line at the vehicle’s current heading.

Run Over [three-actions]

Move Reckless 
Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 176
Requirements You are piloting a vehicle.
You try to run over creatures with your vehicle, possibly also ramming one larger creature or object. If you maintain control of your vehicle, the vehicle moves up to twice its Speed in a straight line at the vehicle’s current heading. You attempt to run over any creatures in your path two sizes smaller than the vehicle or smaller, and you can attempt to ram one target creature or object in your path one size smaller than the vehicle or larger.

Each creature in your path, including a rammed target, takes the vehicle’s collision damage (basic Reflex save at vehicle’s collision DC). If the rammed target is a vehicle, its pilot can attempt a piloting check in place of this Reflex save, with the same results. If the target of your ram takes damage, you and your vehicle each take collision damage (no save) and your movement ends.

Stop [one-action]

Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 176
Requirements You are piloting a vehicle in motion.
You bring the vehicle to a stop.

Take Control [one-action]

Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 176
Requirements You are aboard the vehicle and adjacent to its controls.
You grab the reins, the wheel, or some other mechanism to control the vehicle. Attempt a piloting check; on a success, you become the vehicle’s pilot, or regain control of the vehicle if it was uncontrolled. Some vehicles have complicated controls that cause this action to become a multi-action activity.