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PFS LimitedMudlilyItem 1

This Item may contain spoilers from the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Invested Magical Transmutation 
Source Pathfinder #175: Broken Tusk Moon pg. 76
Price 15 gp
Usage worn; Bulk
This golden flower grows amid filthy ponds or puddles, its spotless yellow petals sharply contrasting its soiled surroundings. You can pin a mudlily to your clothing or your hair to enjoy some of its magical sullying and cleaning properties. While you wear a clean mudlily, you gradually become dirty over the course of an hour; grime and mud subtly manifest from nowhere onto your clothes, hair, skin, and all of your possessions other than the mudlily. After just 1 hour, you appear as though you've been living in squalor for years. This filth can be washed away normally, but it inevitably returns as long as you continue to wear a clean mudlily.

If you soil the mudlily with some dirt or mud, as long as you wear the flower, you instead become clean over an hour. Any gunk soiling your person vanishes completely from everywhere on your body except the mudlily. Each day at dawn, the mudlily instantly becomes clean again.