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Heaven's Thunder [one-action] Feat 6Legacy Content
Archetype Electricity Evocation Sonic Source Impossible Lands pg. 224,
Pathfinder #158: Sixty Feet Under pg. 78Archetype Jalmeri HeavenseekerPrerequisites Jalmeri Heavenseeker Dedication
Until the end of your next turn, your
unarmed attacks and any
monk weapons you wield deal additional electricity and sonic damage; the amount of each damage type is equal to the number of damage dice for the weapon or unarmed attack. Any creature who successfully
Grapples you or is successfully Grappled by you takes this damage immediately after the Grapple check is resolved (using the number of damage dice of your unarmed attack to determine the damage dealt).
If you also know the
ki blast ki spell, you can choose to deal either electricity or sonic damage with the spell instead of force while this effect is active (
ki blast loses the
force trait and gains the
electricity or
sonic trait instead).
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Electricity: Effects with this trait deal electricity damage. A creature with this trait has a connection to magical electricity.
Evocation: Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the evocation school of magic, typically involving energy and elemental forces.
Sonic: An effect with the sonic trait functions only if it makes sound, meaning it has no effect in an area of silence or in a vacuum. This is different from an auditory spell, which is effective only if the target can hear it. A sonic effect might deal sonic damage.