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Songsinger in TrainingBackground

Legacy Content

Source Quest for the Frozen Flame Player's Guide pg. 8
You are a pupil of Argakoa the Songsinger, Otter House leader and Mammoth Lord. Argakoa has been the Broken Tusk's foremost songsinger for many winters, and she sees in you a promising disciple who can carry the torch when it's time for her to pass it. The role of songsinger is a great distinction. These chanters, musicians, and poets are responsible for recording, preserving, and sharing the Broken Tusk's oral history. As one of these songsingers, it's up to you to decide which stories are worthy of passing on and which should be left along the migration trail.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Performance skill, and the Genealogy Lore skill. You gain the Impressive Performance skill feat.