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PFS StandardBeastmaster

Source Player Core 2 pg. 188 1.1
You attract the loyalty of animals, and as your powers increase, you can command more of them, briefly inhabit their body to perceive what they perceive, and even communicate with them over vast distances.

Additional Feats

Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0
Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.

Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.

Note: Warden spells granted by any of these feats are beastmaster focus spells for you.

PFS StandardBeastmaster Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 188 1.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites trained in Nature

You gain the service of a young animal companion that travels with you and obeys your commands. Contrary to the usual rules for animal companions, this feat can grant you a second animal companion. If you ever have more than one animal companion, you gain the Call Companion action.

Certain beastmaster feats give you focus spells. When you gain your first beastmaster focus spell, you become trained in the spell attack modifier and spell DC statistics. Your key spellcasting attribute for beastmaster archetype spells is Charisma, and they are primal spells. You can Refocus by feeding, playing with, or otherwise tending to an animal companion.

Beastmaster Animal Companions

If you're playing a beastmaster, you determine the statistics and abilities of your animal companions. As a beastmaster, it's possible for you to have more than one animal companion at one time—up to four companions—but only one of those companions, your “active companion,” follows you during exploration and in encounters; the rest are nearby, usually foraging or hunting for food. As soon as you gain a second animal companion from the Beastmaster archetype, you also gain Call Companion to switch your active companion. These rules apply to all your companions, regardless of whether you got the animal companion from the beastmaster archetype or from another source.

Call Companion

Source Player Core 2 pg. 189 1.1
You spend 1 minute calling for a different animal companion, switching your active companion for another of your animal companions.

PFS StandardAdditional Companion Feat 4

Source Player Core 2 pg. 188 1.1
Archetypes Beastmaster, Undead Master
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

Another animal joins you in your travels. It is a young animal companion that has the minion trait. See Beastmaster Animal Companions for rules on how having multiple animal companions works.

Special You can select this feat more than once, gaining an additional animal companion each time, to a maximum of four total companions from all sources.

PFS StandardAnimal Empathy (Ranger) Feat 4*

Source Player Core pg. 158 2.0
Archetypes Beastmaster, Wild Mimic
* This version of the Animal Empathy (Ranger) feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You have a connection to the creatures of the natural world that allows you to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on animals and to make very simple Requests of them. In most cases, wild animals will give you time to make your case.

PFS StandardHeal Animal Feat 4

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 160 2.0
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You can heal your animal companion's wounds. You can cast heal animal as a beastmaster focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

PFS StandardInitiate Warden Feat 4*

Source Player Core pg. 157 2.0
Archetype Beastmaster
* This version of the Initiate Warden feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You’ve trained with one of the ranger sects known as wardens, who practice a specialized type of primal magic. You gain your choice of one warden spell from the initial warden spells (or another you have access to).

Special You can take this feat multiple times, choosing a different initial warden spell each time.

PFS StandardMature Beastmaster Companion Feat 4

Source Player Core 2 pg. 188 1.1
Archetypes Beastmaster, Undead Master
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

All of your animal companions grow up, becoming mature animal companions and gaining additional capabilities.

Your animal companion has greater independence. During an encounter, even if you don’t use the Command an Animal action, your active animal companion can still use 1 action that round on your turn to Stride or Strike. It can do this at any point during your turn, as long as you aren’t currently taking an action. If it does, that’s all the actions it gets that round— you can’t Command it later.

PFS StandardSpirit of the Beast Feat 4

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 66 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You imbue your companion with the aspect of another animal. You gain the spirit of the beast focus spell.

PFS StandardAdvanced Warden Feat 6*

Source Player Core pg. 159 2.0
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Initiate Warden
* This version of the Advanced Warden feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You unlock more powerful primal spells. You gain your choice of one warden spell from the advanced warden spells (or another you have access to).

Special You can take this feat multiple times, choosing a different advanced warden spell each time.

PFS StandardBeastmaster's Trance Feat 6

Source Player Core 2 pg. 188 1.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You can enter a trance that allows you to briefly inhabit the body of one of your animal companions and share its senses. You gain the focus spell beastmaster trance.

PFS StandardBestial Protection Feat 6

Archetype Emotion Fear Mental 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 66 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion that’s Large or larger

Your companion's mere presence is enough to rattle creatures that fall under its shadow. When a creature adjacent to your animal companion that's smaller than it targets you with an attack, that creature becomes frightened 1.

PFS StandardCompanion's Cry Feat 6*

Source Player Core pg. 159 2.0
Archetypes Beastmaster, Mammoth Lord, Undead Master
Prerequisites an animal companion
* This version of the Companion's Cry feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You can urge your companion to do its utmost. You can spend 2 actions to Command an Animal instead of 1 when commanding your animal companion. If you do, your animal companion uses an additional action.

PFS StandardNature's Precision Feat 6

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 66 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with an agile or finesse unarmed attack

Your companions pick at an enemy's weak points. When your companion strikes a off-guard creature with an agile or finesse unarmed attack, it deals an additional 1d4 precision damage (2d4 if the animal companion is specialized). If the companion already deals precision damage, combine the precision damage.

PFS StandardSwift Guardian [free-action] Feat 6

Archetype Concentrate 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 188 1.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; Call Companion
Trigger You roll initative.

When danger appears, you quickly send away your active companion and call in a different animal ally. You use Call Companion. The new animal companion typically arrives in the same location as the one that departed, though the GM might adjust this depending on the circumstances and Speeds of the animals. If you have Lead the Pack, you can swap one of your two active companions for an inactive companion.

PFS StandardTenacious Endurance Feat 6

Archetype Emotion Mental 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 66 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You encourage your companion to refuse to yield, against even the mightiest of foes. When one of your animal companions is reduced to 0 Hit Points, if it isn't wounded, it can remain standing with 1 Hit Point and become wounded 1.

PFS StandardIncredible Beastmaster Companion Feat 8

Source Player Core 2 pg. 189 1.1
Archetypes Beastmaster, Undead Master
Prerequisites Mature Beastmaster Companion

Your mature animal companions continue to grow and develop. Each of them becomes a nimble or savage animal companion, gaining additional capabilities determined by the type of companion. You choose nimble or savage individually for each companion, including any companion that becomes mature after you take this feat.

PFS StandardPack Movement [two-actions] Feat 8

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 66 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You and your companion move to take down a common enemy. You and your animal companion both Stride. If both of you end your movement within reach of the same creature, you and your animal companion each make a melee Strike against the creature. You can use Pack Movement to Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Stride if both you and your animal companion have the corresponding movement type.

PFS StandardBeastmaster Bond Feat 10

Archetype Mental Primal 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 189 1.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You can communicate telepathically with your animal companions within 100 feet. If you’re legendary in Nature, you can communicate telepathically with your animal companions anywhere on the planet.

PFS StandardFerocious Charge Feat 10

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 66 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with an antlers, head, or horn unarmed attack

You've taught your companions to charge directly at an enemy. Your companions with a qualifying unarmed Strike learn the Ferocious Charge activity.

Ferocious Charge [two-actions] The companion Strides up to twice its Speed in a straight line and makes an antlers, head, or horn Strike. If it moved at least 20 feet, it deals an additional 1d8 damage. This damage increases to 2d8 if your companion is specialized. The companion can use Ferocious Charge while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if it has the corresponding movement type.

PFS StandardRunning Kick Feat 10

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with a foot, hoof, or talon unarmed attack

Your companion weaves in and out of combat, swiftly attacking before getting to a better position. Your companions with a qualifying unarmed attack learn the Running Kick activity.

Running Kick [two-actions] This companion Strides up to twice its Speed and makes a hoof, foot, or talon Strike at any point during the movement. This movement doesn't provoke reactions from a creature damaged by the Strike.

PFS StandardSinking Jaws Feat 10

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with a jaws or fangs unarmed attack

Like how a constrictor wraps itself around its next meal, your companion tightens its teeth around its constrained prey to squeeze the life out of it. Your companions with a qualifying unarmed attack learn the Sinking Jaws activity.

Sinking Jaws [one-action] Requirements This companion has a creature grabbed or restrained with its jaws or fangs; Effect This companion's grabbed or restrained foe takes piercing damage equal to the companion's level plus Strength modifier.

PFS StandardSweeping Tail Feat 10

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with a tail unarmed attack

Your companion swings its tail powerfully. Your companions with a qualifying unarmed attack learn the Sweeping Tail activity.

Sweeping Tail [two-actions] This companion makes two tail Strikes against different creatures within its reach, increasing its multiple attack penalty as normal. On a hit, it pushes a target back 5 feet or 10 feet on a critical hit. This is forced movement.

PFS StandardVicious Rend Feat 10

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with a claw, fist, pincer, or talon unarmed attack

Your companion sinks its claws and rips. Your companions with a qualifying unarmed attack learn the Vicious Rend activity.

Vicious Rend [two-actions] Make two claw, fist, pincer, or talon Strikes against the same target, applying the multiple attack penalty as normal. If both Strikes hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 persistent bleed damage. This damage increases to 2d6 if your companion is specialized.

PFS StandardBeastmaster's Call [one-action] Feat 12

Archetype Auditory Concentrate Primal 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 189 1.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Frequency once per turn
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; Call Companion

You quickly call in a primal projection of a non-active companion to provide the companion’s support benefit. The projection arrives in an unoccupied square of your choice within 30 feet of you, grants you its support benefit, and then disappears at the start of your next turn. The projection has the same AC and saving throw modifiers as the real companion, and if it would take any damage before your next turn, it disappears, and the support benefit ends immediately.

PFS StandardBillowing Wings Feat 12

Air Archetype 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication; animal companion with wings

You've trained your winged companions to gather air in their wings, whipping up a concentrated gust of wind at opponents, potentially staggering them. Your companions with wings gain a gust ranged unarmed attack, which deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage with a range of 30 feet and has the air and propulsive traits. On a critical hit, the target is pushed back 5 feet. This is forced movement.

PFS StandardSide by Side (Druid) Feat 14*

Source Player Core pg. 133 2.0
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Animal Companion
* This version of the Side by Side (Druid) feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You and your animal companion fight in tandem, distracting your foes and keeping them off balance. Whenever you and your animal companion are adjacent to the same foe, you are both flanking that foe with each other, regardless of your actual positions.

PFS StandardSpecialized Beastmaster Companion Feat 14

Source Player Core 2 pg. 189 1.1
Archetypes Beastmaster, Undead Master
Prerequisites Incredible Beastmaster Companion

Your nimble and savage animal companions become cunning enough to become specialized. Each companion gains one specialization of your choice. Choose the specialization separately for each companion, including any companion that becomes specialized after you take this feat.

Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time, add a different specialization to each of your nimble and savage companions. Your nimble and savage companions can have up to three specializations each.

PFS StandardLead the Pack Feat 16

Uncommon Archetype 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 189 1.1
Archetypes Beastmaster, Undead Master
Prerequisites Mature Beastmaster Companion; you have multiple animal companions

You can have up to two animal companions active at once. However, when you do, it’s slightly more difficult to Command them. If you don’t Command either of your companions, one of the two (your choice) can still use 1 action on your turn to Stride or Strike, per Mature Beastmaster Companion, but not both. When you Command an Animal, either choose one of the companions to take 2 actions, as normal, or else each companion can take 1 action to Stride or Strike. Either way, you can’t Command an Animal to make either companion act again until your next turn

PFS StandardHeightened Instincts Feat 18

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Beastmaster Dedication

You've worked to sharpen your companions' instincts to supernatural levels. When one of your companions rolls a success on a saving throw, it gets a critical success instead.

PFS StandardPack Takedown [two-actions] Feat 20

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 67 2.1
Archetype Beastmaster
Prerequisites Lead the Pack
Requirements You have two active companions.

The pack is strongest when it acts as one, and like a group of hungry wolves, you work together to bring down a single target. If you and both of your active companions threaten the same creature, each of you makes a melee Strike against it. The creature is off-guard against all of these attacks. If more than one attack hits, combine the damage from all successful Strikes, and apply resistances and weaknesses only once.