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PFS StandardRuby CapacitorItem 10+

Legacy Content

Consumable Evocation Magical Talisman 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 95 1.1
Usage affixed to a magical staff; Bulk
Activate [free-action] Interact; Requirements You prepared the staff.
This cluster of unworked ruby is bound to the top of a staff by silver wire. When activated, it adds one temporary charge to the staff. Any spells cast from the staff before the end of the turn expend these charges first. Any unused temporary charges are lost at the end of your turn.

PFS StandardRuby CapacitorItem 10

Source Treasure Vault pg. 95 1.1
Price 180 gp

PFS StandardRuby Capacitor (Greater)Item 14

Source Treasure Vault pg. 95 1.1
Price 800 gp
The number of temporary charges increases to 3.

PFS StandardRuby Capacitor (Major)Item 18

Source Treasure Vault pg. 95 1.1
Price 4,500 gp
The number of temporary charges increases to 5.