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Other Consumables

PFS LimitedDragon's Eye CharmItem 7

This Item may contain spoilers from the Age of Ashes Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Divination Magical 
Source Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders pg. 71
Price 360 gp
Hands 1; Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This charm, a dragon-shaped pendant worn like a necklace or set into armor or clothing as a decoration, is warm and smooth to the touch. It must be held in one hand to be used (pressing the palm of one’s hand to the charm also works, provided that your hand is otherwise empty). It has four distinct powers.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect The dragon’s eye charm manifests fire for you to wield against your foe. You cast a 5th-level produce flame spell with a spell attack roll of +13.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect The charm’s pupil becomes plainly visible. You can look through the charm to gain darkvision for as long as you Sustain the Activation, to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect The dragon’s eye charm shrouds you in a faintly glowing layer of golden energy. You gain fire resistance 5 for 10 minutes.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You can speak and understand Draconic as long as you Sustain the Activation, to a maximum of 10 minutes.