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PFS StandardLife ShotItem 2+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Healing 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Ammunition round; Bulk
Activate [one-action] Interact
Life shot is a special cartridge that carries a small dose of elixir of life. A creature hit by activated life shot takes no damage from the successful attack, instead receiving healing and gaining an item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 1 minute. On a critical hit, roll the healing received twice and take the better result (this is a fortune effect). A target willing to be hit by this attack is flat-footed against it.

PFS StandardLife Shot (Minor)Item 2

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 5 gp
The ammunition restores 1d4 Hit Points, and the bonus is +1.

PFS StandardLife Shot (Lesser)Item 6

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 50 gp
The ammunition restores 3d4+3 Hit Points, and the bonus is +1.

PFS StandardLife Shot (Moderate)Item 10

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 200 gp
The ammunition restores 5d4+7 Hit Points, and the bonus is +2.

PFS StandardLife Shot (Greater)Item 14

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 750 gp
The ammunition restores 7d4+10 Hit Points, and the bonus is +2.

PFS StandardLife Shot (Major)Item 16

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 1,500 gp
The ammunition restores 8d4+11 Hit Points, and the bonus is +3.

PFS StandardLife Shot (True)Item 20

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 9,000 gp
The ammunition restores 10d4+14 Hit Points, and the bonus is +4.