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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardCleanse AfflictionSpell 2

Concentrate Healing Manipulate 
Source Player Core pg. 320 2.0
Traditions divine, occult, primal
Cast [two-actions]
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature
Gentle restorative magic pushes back the effects of toxins and more complex maladies. Choose an affliction on the target, such as a curse, disease, or poison. If it has advanced past stage one, reduce the stage by one. This reduction can be applied only once to a given case of an affliction, with the case ending when it's completely cured. Although the reduction can't occur again, heightened versions of this spell attempt to counteract with each casting.

    Heightened (3rd) Attempt to counteract the affliction if it is a disease or poison.
    Heightened (4th) Attempt to counteract the affliction if it is a curse, disease, or poison.