Wardrobe StoneItem 3+
Legacy Content
Uncommon Illusion Invested Magical
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 51
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This large stone eye is the size of a fist and decorated with elaborate carvings of robes and other garments.
Activate (1 minute) envision, Interact; Effect You enter a brief trance in which you envision yourself entering a large dressing room. You maneuver through the endless dressing-room mindscape and search for whatever articles of clothing, accessories, and other garments you desire. After the activation, you gain the effects of illusory disguise, except that it only causes you to appear to be wearing the exact outfit you selected within the mindscape. The illusion also disguises the wardrobe stone to match your outfit and not appear out of place, such as by appearing to be a glove or bracelet, though it continues to occupy your hand while you're under the effects of illusory disguise. You can actively Dismiss the Spell, but the effects are also dismissed immediately when you're no longer holding the wardrobe stone.

Wardrobe Stone (Lesser)
Item 3Source Grand Bazaar pg. 51Price 50 gp
Bulk L
Wardrobe Stone (Moderate)Item 11
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 51Price 1,250 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +2 item bonus to a specific
Lore skill associated with your outfit, such as Carpentry Lore when wearing a carpenter's outfit or Cooking Lore when wearing a chef's outfit.
Activate (1 minute) envision, Interact;
Frequency once per day;
Effect You cast
prying eye.
Wardrobe Stone (Greater)Item 20
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 51Price 55,000 gp
Bulk L
You gain +3 item bonus to Perception checks involving sight and a +3 item bonus to a specific Lore skill associated with your outfit.
Activate (1 minute) envision, Interact;
Effect You cast
prying eye.
Activate (10 minutes) envision, Interact;
Effect The wardrobe stone splits open and permanently transforms into a specific type of magical robe of your choosing. It can transform into any 20th-level or lower magical robe to which you have access, except for items that can't normally be
Crafted, such as
artifacts. This process is irreversible.