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Magic Wands | Specialty Wands

Wand of Teeming GhostsItem 6+

This Item may contain spoilers from the The Slithering Adventure

Legacy Content

Uncommon Magical Necromancy Wand 
Source The Slithering pg. 61, Treasure Vault pg. 142 1.1; There is a more recent version of this item. Click here to view.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This pale wooden wand is carved to resemble a thigh bone with metal caps at each end. Ghostly tendrils seem to swirl around it every so often.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus overcharge; Effect You cast false life of the indicated level. During the duration of the spell, wisps that resemble spirits flit around you as long as you have any temporary Hit Points from false life, and you can use the following action.

Activate [free-action] envision; Trigger You successfully impart the frightened 1 condition to a creature; Requirements You have temporary Hit Points; Effect You end false life and increase the creature's frightened condition value to 2.

Craft Requirements Supply a casting of false life of the appropriate level.

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (2nd-Level Spell)Item 6

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 250 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (3rd-Level Spell)Item 8

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 500 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (4th-Level Spell)Item 10

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 1,000 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (5th-Level Spell)Item 12

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 2,000 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (6th-Level Spell)Item 14

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 4,500 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (7th-Level Spell)Item 16

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 10,000 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (8th-Level Spell)Item 18

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 24,000 gp

Wand of Teeming Ghosts (9th-Level Spell)Item 20

Source The Slithering pg. 61
Price 70,000 gp