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PFS LimitedDream Pollen SnareItem 3

This Item may contain spoilers from the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Incapacitation Mechanical Mental Snare Trap 
Source Pathfinder #175: Broken Tusk Moon pg. 79
Price 12 gp
This simple trap is made of taut twigs that, when triggered, snap down on a pollen-filled sac of a peculiar flower. When inhaled, the pollen imparts a hazy state of profound agreeability. The first creature that enters the snare's space triggers the snare. The creature that triggered the trap must attempt a DC 18 Will save. Undead creatures and creatures that don't breathe are immune to dream pollen.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Failure The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round. For 1 minute, the creature becomes friendly to all creatures to which it was indifferent, or helpful to all creatures to which it was friendly. If the creature was unfriendly or hostile to any creatures, it remains unfriendly or hostile to them. If the creature is an animal, any creature to which it's friendly or helpful can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on it and to make very simple Requests of it.
Critical Failure As failure, but the duration of the agreeability is 1 hour instead of 1 minute.