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PFS LimitedBody Recovery KitItem 9

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable Healing 
Source PFS Guide pg. 26
PFS Note Players can gain access to faction-specific gear by taking the corresponding Faction Gear Access Game Reward, available when they reach 20 reputation with the respective faction.

Price 101 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Access Membership in the Envoy's Alliance Pathfinder Society faction.
This small silver tin is filled with a herb-infused salve and a shroud of fine silk fabric. The salve smells of lavender and hyssop and is waxy to the touch. The shroud, made of spun silk, can a hold a Medium or smaller creature. If you apply the salve and shroud to a creature that died within the past 3 days, a process which normally takes 1 hour, it slows the decomposition process, allowing a creature to be brought back to life with raise dead up to 1 week after its death.