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PFS StandardScope of TruthItem 13

Legacy Content

Divination Magical 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 182 2.0
PFS Note Characters with access to firearms gain access to accessories that can be used with those weapons. Replace the word "transmutation" in the scope of truth with the word "polymorph."

Price 3,000 gp
Usage attached to firearm or crossbow (scope); Bulk L
The scope of truth is a bit bigger than most to accommodate larger lenses, which have been magically prepared with tiny shards from crystal balls to reveal the truth. The scope grants you a +2 item bonus to Perception checks made to Seek in areas you can see through the scope.

Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect For the next 10 minutes, you can see things through the scope as they actually are. The GM rolls a secret counteract check with a +20 counteract modifier and a counteract level of 7 against any illusion or transmutation in the area, but only for the purpose of determining whether you see through it, not to end the spell or effect. For instance, if the check succeeds against a polymorph spell, you can see the creature's true form, but you don't end the spell.