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PFS StandardMirror GogglesItem 5+

Legacy Content

Abjuration Invested Magical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 147 1.1
Usage worn eyepiece; Bulk
These goggles feature highly reflective lenses. While wearing the goggles, you gain a +1 item bonus to visual Perception checks and to saving throws against visual effects.

Activate [reaction] Interact; Trigger A creature within 60 feet targets you with a visual effect; Effect You turn your head to reflect aspects of the triggering effect back at its creator. The creature must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save as it becomes disoriented by this reflection. On a failure, the creature is sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). The creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour.

PFS StandardMirror Goggles (Lesser)Item 5

Source Treasure Vault pg. 147 1.1
Price 135 gp

PFS StandardMirror Goggles (Moderate)Item 11

Source Treasure Vault pg. 147 1.1
Price 1,200 gp
The item bonus is +2, and the DC is 30.

PFS StandardMirror Goggles (Greater)Item 18

Source Treasure Vault pg. 147 1.1
Price 19,000 gp
The item bonus is +3, and the DC is 40.