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PFS LimitedNightmareItem 9

This Item may contain spoilers from the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Enchantment Magical 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 185
Price 250 gp
Usage etched onto a weapon; Bulk
A nightmare rune creates minor phantasmal alterations to a weapon's appearance so that those who look upon it see subtle reminders of their deepest fears. An arachnophobe might interpret the cross guard of a nightmare longsword to look like curving, twitching spider legs, for example, while someone who's afraid of sickness might see a nightmare club as a diseased length of bone crawling with flies. These images are all in the mind of the observer, but they also infuse the weapon with additional power. When you hit with a nightmare weapon, add 1d6 mental damage to the damage dealt. In addition, on a critical hit, the target becomes stupefied 1 by overwhelming visions in their mind of personal horrors that linger. If you critically hit a creature that's already stupefied, it becomes frightened 2 as well. These critical hit effects have the emotion, fear, and mental traits.

Activate 10 minutes (envision, Interact); Frequency once per day; Effect The nightmare weapon casts nightmare to your specifications.