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PFS StandardGate AttenuatorItem 3+

Invested Magical 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 224 2.0
Usage worn; Bulk
Gate attenuators are typically worn near the body's core and are shaped like portals or passageways, making literal the elemental gates kineticists possess within their bodies. The appearance can vary from a simple disk with a hole in the middle to a design matching a city gate of a particular settlement. If you're a kineticist, the attenuator grants you a +1 item bonus to your impulse attack modifier (but not to your impulse DC). When you invest a gate attenuator, attune it to one element of your choice. Designs on the attenuator's surface transform to match that element, and the attenuator gains the element's trait until it's no longer invested or is attuned to a different element.

Activate—Elemental Spell [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect The gate attenuator casts a 1st-rank spell, with a spell attack modifier of +7 and spell DC of 17. If you're a kineticist and the spell's element matches one of your kinetic elements, you can use your impulse attack modifier instead of the spell attack modifier or your impulse DC instead of the spell DC. The spell corresponds to the element the item is attuned to, and it gains that element's trait if it doesn't already have it: air gust of wind, earth pummeling rubble, fire dehydrate, metal thunderstrike, water snowball, or wood flourishing flora.

PFS StandardGate AttenuatorItem 3

Source Rage of Elements pg. 224 2.0
Price 60 gp

PFS StandardGate Attenuator (Greater)Item 11

Source Rage of Elements pg. 224 2.0
Price 1,400 gp
The item bonus to your impulse attack modifier is +2. The activation casts a 5th-rank spell, with a spell attack modifier of +18 and a spell DC of 28: air pressure zone, earth sand form, fire flames of ego, metal impaling spike, water freezing rain, or wood entwined roots.

PFS StandardGate Attenuator (Major)Item 17

Source Rage of Elements pg. 224 2.0
Price 15,000 gp
A major gate attenuator has the apex trait. When you invest it, you either increase your Constitution modifier by 1 or increase it to +4, whichever would give you a higher score. The item bonus to your impulse attack modifier is +2. The activation casts an 8th-rank spell, with a spell attack modifier of +27 and a spell DC of 37: air whirlwind, earth earthquake, fire boil blood, metal rust cloud (8th rank), water whirlpool, or wood pollen pods (8th rank).