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Unmemorable MantleItem 7+

Legacy Content

Illusion Invested Magical 
Source Character Guide pg. 73 2.0
Usage worn cloak; Bulk 1
This long, shoddy cloak bears a hood and a simple brass clasp. While wearing the cloak, you gain a +1 item bonus to Deception checks to Impersonate an individual and to Lie while in character as that individual.

Activate 1 minute (envision, Interact); Frequency once per day; Requirements You are Impersonating someone else; Effect While conversing or otherwise casually interacting with other creatures, you can adjust the mantle’s clasp to modify those creatures’ recollections of the last 5 minutes of their interaction with you. Each creature must attempt a DC 25 Will save.

Critical Success The creature recalls the interaction clearly and realizes you were trying to alter their memory.
Success The creature recalls the interaction clearly.
Failure You decide whether or not the creature recalls the interaction. You can also alter minor details the creature recalls about the interaction, such as the time, place, and whether the interaction was favorable, as determined by the GM.
Critical Failure You decide whether or not the creature recalls the interaction. You can also alter major details the creature recalls about the interaction, such as believing you to be another individual or that the creature agreed to a favor, as determined by the GM.

PFS StandardUnmemorable MantleItem 7

Source Character Guide pg. 73 2.0
Price 300 gp
Bulk 1

PFS StandardUnmemorable Mantle (Greater)Item 9

Source Character Guide pg. 73 2.0
Price 1,300 gp
Bulk 1
The item bonus is +2, and the Will save DC is 28.

PFS StandardUnmemorable Mantle (Major)Item 17

Source Character Guide pg. 73 2.0
Price 21,750 gp
Bulk 1
The item bonus is +3, the Will save DC is 38, and you can activate the mantle once every 10 minutes.