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Base Shields | Precious Material Shields | Specific Shields

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PFS StandardDragonslayer's ShieldItem 9

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Magical 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 587 4.0
Price 670 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Base Shield Steel Shield
A dragonslayer’s shield is a steel shield covered with dragonhide from a certain type of dragon, which distinguishes each shield from the others. While raised, this steel shield (Hardness 8, HP 32, BT 16) grants its circumstance bonus to Reflex saves against area effects (as well as to AC, as normal).

While you hold the shield, it also grants you a +2 circumstance bonus to Will saves against a dragon’s frightful presence ability. The shield has resistance 10 against the damage type corresponding to the type of dragon whose hide was used in its creation; this applies after reducing the damage for Hardness, so when you use Shield Block, the dragonslayer’s shield takes 18 less damage from attacks of that damage type. You can use Shield Block against attacks that deal damage of that type.

Dragonhide Resistance

Dragon TypeResistance
Black or copperAcid
Blue or bronzeElectricity
Brass, gold, or redFire
Silver or whiteCold