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PFS StandardVial of the Immortal WellspringItem 20

Legacy Content

Rare Contract Invested Magical 
Source Dark Archive pg. 165
At a wellspring, you gave your blood to a force of nature and received a vial from the wellspring's heart in return. Once per 10 minutes, when your dying value would increase above 3, you instead become unconscious and are no longer dying; this doesn't prevent you from being killed by death effects or the doomed condition. Once per day, from any distance, the entity that holds your bargained contract can possess you and control your actions, leaving you unaware of what goes on. This possession automatically succeeds, regardless of any countermeasures you might take. Normally this lasts for only 1 round if during an encounter, or no longer than a few minutes during exploration. However, the more you rely on the power of the wellspring's heart to survive death, the longer it can possess you the next time it chooses to do so, doubling the amount of time with each use, to a maximum duration of 1 day. Once the entity possesses you, this duration resets.

Activate [two-actions] command; Frequency once per day; Effect You drink from the vial of water that seals your bargained contract. You gain the effects of a 9th-level, 2-action heal spell.