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Phalanx Of Phalanges

Made up of hundreds of finger and toe bones, a phalanx of phalanges clatters along the ground in an eerily uniform manner.

Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 17
Unspecific Lore: DC 15
Specific Lore: DC 12

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Phalanx Of PhalangesCreature -1

Legacy Content

Uncommon N Large Construct Mindless Swarm 
Source Pathfinder #181: Zombie Feast pg. 83
Perception +3; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +6
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +4, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -5
AC 13; Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 6; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious; Resistances cold 3, electricity 3, fire 3, piercing 3, slashing 3; Weaknesses area damage 3, splash damage 3
Predetermined Path A phalanx of phalanges knows a single path on even ground no longer than 100 feet, as determined by its creator. The phalanx of phalanges makes no actions other than moving along this path or making Countless Digits attacks against creatures in its way. If impeded on this path or if it takes damage, the phalanx of phalanges is unbound from its path and is permanently berserk, attacking nearby creatures to the best of its ability. Speed 20 feet
Countless Digits [one-action] Each other creature in the phalanx of phalanges' space takes 1d6 piercing damage (1d6+2 piercing damage if the swarm is berserk) (DC 15 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, the target is thoroughly pinned by the phalanges, becoming immobilized until it Escapes (DC 15) or until any creature uses 2 Interact actions to scrape away the bones pinning them down.

All Monsters in "Animated Bones"

Chattering Jaws-1
Floating Femur-1
Phalanx Of Phalanges1
Scrabbling Ribcage1

Animated Bones

Source Pathfinder #181: Zombie Feast pg. 82
Commonly mistaken for undead, animated bones are mindless constructs with no connection to necromancy. The following are examples of typical animated bones.

Sidebar - Related Creatures More Bones

Other animated bones exist: those made from humanoid bones include serpentine spines, spinning shoulder blades, and wrestling arms. Some animated bone creatures are crafted into twisted mockeries of other creatures made up of amalgams of misplaced bones, while others are simply the animated bones of much larger creatures, such as stampeding elephant ribcages.

Sidebar - Locations Where Bones Walk

Animated bones only exist where people intentionally create them, and the creator must take care to avoid disturbing lingering souls connected to the bones. Generally, the bones used are from creatures who were properly laid to rest or passed away long ago. In old Graydirge, corpse renderers forcibly separated souls and flesh from bones, leaving plenty of raw materials for their twisted creations.