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PFS StandardField of RazorsSpell 6

Concentrate Manipulate Metal 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 143 2.0
PFS Note Any spells which require metal to function require the PC to be holding at least one chunk of that metal or an item made of that metal.

Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [three-actions]
Range 60 feet; Area 20-foot burst
Defense basic Reflex; Duration 1 minute
You grind a chunk of your choice of metal to fine dust between your hands and blow it into the air, where it grows into a tangle of wires covered in razor-sharp prongs. The metal must be of a type you currently have in your possession. The covered area is difficult terrain. A creature that moves through the area takes 5 slashing damage per square traversed.

If a creature takes slashing, piercing, or persistent bleed damage while inside the thicket, you can spend a reaction to grow the iron in the shed blood into additional wires, expanding the burst by 5 feet. You can grow the area four times in this way, to a maximum of a 40-foot burst.

The barbed wires are made of the metal you chose and activate resistances, weaknesses, and the like normally. The metal reforms in your possession when the spell ends.

    Heightened (+1) The damage per square increases by 2.