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PFS RestrictedVampiric ScytheItem 13

Legacy Content

Uncommon Evil Magical Necromancy Negative 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 31
Price 3,000 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
Base Weapon Scythe
The blade of this +2 greater striking wounding scythe is sharp enough to produce a whistling sound when swung through the air. The shaft is made of ebony wood with a sickly shine to it, much like the shine of infected wounds and contaminated water.

Activate [reaction] command; Trigger An enemy critically succeeds at an attempt to Disarm you; Effect As the scythe leaves your hand, it drinks the triggering creature's blood. The creature must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become drained 2 (drained 3 on a critical failure). If the triggering creature becomes drained, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to the triggering creature's level. You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.

Activate [reaction] command; Frequency once per hour; Trigger You critically succeed at a Strike against a living opponent; Effect The scythe drains life essence from your opponent into you. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to half the slashing damage the scythe dealt to the foe. You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.