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Clan AssociateBackground

Legacy Content

Source Sky King's Tomb Player's Guide pg. 12
You already have a close connection to Clan Tolorr, such as having been born into the clan, worked as an esteemed contractor for them, or married into the clan (even if you chose to retain your prior clan affiliation). Whether through dedicated study or just overhearing your fellows' academic debates, you've absorbed boundless trivia about history— especially local lore. Beyond Tolorr halls, your affiliation earns you respect in Highhelm. Your clan expects you to behave well, as your actions reflect on them.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Society skill, and the Highhelm Lore skill. You gain the Multilingual skill feat.
Connection: You have no special connection or sponsor in Clan Tolorr.
Reputation Points: +2