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SparkwardenItem 5

This Item may contain spoilers from the Sky King's Tomb Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Unique Conjuration Invested Magical Relic Shadow Tattoo 
Source Pathfinder #193: Mantle of Gold pg. 84
Usage tattoo; Bulk
Aspects: forge and shadow
The geometric designs of this warding tattoo extend the length of your arm, resembling an armored sleeve. The crimson ink sometimes glows softly like warm coals when you're excited or building something new.
Forming the Bond Defeat Tuom Molgrade and befriend her tattoo guardian with Clan Molgrade's blessing.
Advancing the Bond Create extraordinary objects that earn renown. Protect innocents and your companions despite great personal risk.
Minor Gifts create spark, obscure, shadow smith
Major Gifts dancing shadow, elements of creation; dancing shadow Strikes use the relic's spell attack modifier.