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Snubbed Out StoolieBackground

Legacy Content

Source Outlaws of Alkenstar Player's Guide pg. 12
You were once a distinguished informant for the shieldmarshals, working deep undercover to infiltrate gangs of bootleggers and assassins. Then, one day, you discovered that the records of your service had all been completely destroyed. In an instant, you were no longer an elite spy impersonating a criminal—you were just a plain criminal.

Now, not a trace remains of your work for the city. Not only is it as though you were never a shieldmarshal at all, but you've got a rap sheet implicating you as a key member in the criminal organizations you spent your career infiltrating. Luckily, no one could take away the skills you learned from your deep-cover missions, and your new notoriety has earned you quite a reputation among Alkenstar's criminal elite. Through your underworld connections, you've identified Deputy Shieldmarshal Anjelique Loveless as the one responsible for your fall from grace. It seems you were onto something that she didn't want you to know about, but there's only one way to figure out exactly why Loveless ruined your reputation and gave you your outlaw status—find her.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Deception skill, and the Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Lie to Me skill feat.