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Steelheart 21Item 13

Legacy Content

Rare Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 175 2.0
Price 6,000 gp; Ammunition artillery shell (80 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 9 feet long, 7 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 4-6; Proficiency martial
AC 29; Fort +23; Ref +16
Hardness 18; HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet (pulled or pushed)
Named for Brondar Steelheart, one of the most important historical dwarven pioneers in the use of black powder, this remarkable piece of new Dongun artillery uses metallurgy and alchemy to negate nearly all of the immense amount of recoil a shot from a siege weapon usually produces. The barrel of the Steelheart 21 is suspended in a mix of alchemical fluids that first compress to dampen the recoil when fired, then expand to push the barrel back into place afterwards. The result reduces the amount of time needed to reset the aim of the siege weapon. The crew member who launches the Steelheart 21 can use the Quick Aim reaction (below), allowing them to adjust the weapon's aim on the fly as they fire to adapt to a faulty initial target, changing battlefield conditions, the use of illusions by the enemy, or any of a variety of other factors that lead to the need to alter the siege weapon's course.

Quick Aim [reaction] Trigger You Launch this siege weapon, after determining the effects of the Launch action. Effect You Aim this siege weapon, moving the aim up to 10 feet instead of its normal distance.
Aim [two-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 150 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 500 feet) 8d12 bludgeoning, 20-foot burst, DC 30 Reflex