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PFS RestrictedToshigami BlossomItem 15

Legacy Content

Rare Abjuration Intelligent Invested Primal 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 197 1.1
Usage worn; Bulk
Perception +30; precise vision (darkvision) 30 feet, imprecise hearing 30 feet
Communication telepathy (Common and two other common languages; speak with plants)
Skills Diplomacy +28, Medicine +32, Nature +32
Int +6, Wis +10, Cha +5
Will +32
An encounter with a toshigami, the enigmatic kami who protect cherry trees, is rare, though often sought after and treasured by those who achieve such an encounter. Only a handful of mortals can truthfully claim to have seen a toshigami, let alone met one, though many popular fireside tales tell of virtuous souls receiving a toshigami's blessing to fight for a worthy cause. Such stories have a basis in fact; every so often, a toshigami gives a worthy mortal a flower from their ward, time-locked in perfect bloom and granted sapience. Such toshigami blossoms are more sociable than their creators. Like toshigami, a blossom has a strong curiosity about the mortal world. If you wear a toshigami blossom, it can intercede for you, helping you make a good impression.

A toshigami blossom has the following activations.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect The blossom casts tree stride on you to your specifications. If you target only cherry trees, the spell is cast at 6th level.

Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once per hour; Effect The blossom casts soothing blossoms to your specifications.

Activate [one-action] command; Frequency once per minute; Effect The blossom sends a flurry of cherry blossoms outward in a 20-foot burst that lasts 1 round. You and your allies can see through these blossoms. To all other creatures, creatures within the cloud of blossoms become concealed, and creatures outside the cloud become concealed to creatures within it. When you or an ally succeeds with a Strike against a creature in the blossoms, the Strike deals an additional 1d6 mental damage and an additional 1d6 negative damage to living creatures, or an additional 1d6 positive damage to undead.