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PFS StandardAnathema FuluItem 11

Legacy Content

Abjuration Consumable Fulu Magical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 76 1.1
Price 250 gp
Duration 1 hour; Usage affixed to the ground in four spaces along a circle with a 20-foot radius; Bulk
First used by aasimars of Tianjing to weaken qlippoth, an anathema fulu comes in four pieces, one placed in each cardinal direction. Choose one of the following traits when activating the fulus: celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, monitor, or undead. If a creature with that trait starts its turn in the area, it must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude saving throw or become sickened 2 until the start of its next turn. On a critical success, the creature becomes temporarily immune to any anathema fulus for 1 hour. Regardless of the save result, if you subsequently cast banishment on such a creature in the area, the creature takes the –2 penalty described in that spell for using a material component that's anathema to that creature. The fulu acts as that component; you don't need to add it. If a creature affected by this penalty rolls a saving throw against banishment, the caster can use a free action to force the result one step lower. Doing so burns the whole fulu out, ending the effect. If any of the fulu's pieces are moved or destroyed after activation, the effect ends.