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PFS RestrictedPurloining CloakItem 18

Legacy Content

Rare Apex Intelligent Invested Magical Transmutation 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 196 1.1
Usage worn cloak; Bulk L
Perception +30; precise vision 30 feet, imprecise hearing 30 feet
Communication speech (Common and two other languages, usually regional and ancestral)
Skills Society +31, Thievery +31, Underworld Lore +31
Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +5
Will +30
Each purloining cloak is a mercurial mantle once worn by a legendary thief or two. The cloak became infused with a daredevil spirit and a penchant for high-stakes thievery. If its owner isn't willing to partake in such activities, the cloak tries to convince them to sell or give it to someone who will. A purloining cloak can use tendrils of its cloth to attempt Thievery checks to Palm an Object or Steal, proudly offering you its loot later. In addition to those of a mercurial mantle, a purloining cloak has the following activations.

Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Effect The cloak casts 2nd-level illusory disguise on you, usually to your specifications. However the cloak can choose the appearance of the illusion for you.

Activate [one-action] command; Effect The cloak assesses the price of valuables it can see. This valuation doesn't include the value of features the cloak can't discern, such as magical properties.