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Blade of the Rabbit PrinceItem 15

This Item may contain spoilers from the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Magical Transmutation 
Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven pg. 66
Price 6,250 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Base Weapon Shortsword
This +2 greater striking dancing shortsword has a golden handguard resembling a bird with outstretched wings. The sword's blade is broken halfway up its length, but this doesn't impair the sword's function.

Activate [one-action] command, Interact; Effect You attempt to Trip or Disarm an opponent using Thievery instead of Athletics, and you add the blade of the Rabbit Prince's item bonus to the check. You do not need to have a hand free if you're wielding the blade of the Rabbit Prince, and your target can be up to two sizes larger than you.

Craft Requirements You must craft the blade in the Harrowed Realm.