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PFS LimitedDupe's Gold NuggetItem 5

This Item may contain spoilers from the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Magical Talisman Transmutation 
Source Pathfinder #179: Cradle of Quartz pg. 76
Price 30 gp
Usage affixed to a ranged weapon; Bulk
Activate [free-action] envision; Trigger You hit with a ranged Strike with the affixed weapon; Requirements You're an expert with the affixed weapon.
This nugget of gold and lead amalgam is attached to the weapon by thick, twisted wire or chain. When activated, the target's limbs become like lead weights. For 2 rounds, each time the target Strides it must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, it takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speed for that Stride (to a minimum Speed of 5 feet). On a critical success, the dupe's gold nugget effect ends early.