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PFS StandardMedic

Source Player Core 2 pg. 208 1.1
You've studied countless techniques for providing medical aid, making you a peerless doctor and healer. While many healers happily practice the art of medicine in the safety and serenity of stationary buildings, few are in more dire need of medicinal aid than adventurers. Such an occupation comes with frequent injuries that need constant attention. Few parties would ever turn down help from a practicing medic. In fact, the need for medicine is so great that many medics started as adventurers and took up medicine as a necessity. While patching up injuries is the most common practice of medics, they are also invaluable for their ability to help fight diseases and ailments inflicted by all kinds of creatures and traps. The adaptability and utility of the medic are undeniable. Whether you studied medicine for most of your life or picked it up on the road, you are who people turn to for aid.

PFS StandardMedic Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 208 1.1
Archetype Medic
Prerequisites Battle Medicine; trained in Medicine

You become an expert in Medicine. When you succeed with Battle Medicine or Treat Wounds, the target gains a circumstance bonus to the number of Hit Points they regain equal to 5 HP at DC 20, 10 HP at DC 30, or 15 HP at DC 40.
Once per day, you can use Battle Medicine on a creature that’s temporarily immune due to having already been treated with Battle Medicine. If you’re a master in Medicine, you can do so once per hour.

PFS StandardDoctor's Visitation [one-action] or [two-actions] Feat 4

Archetype Flourish 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 208 1.1
Archetype Medic
Prerequisites Medic Dedication

You move to provide immediate care to those who need it. You Stride, then use Battle Medicine or Treat Poison. You can spend 2 actions for Doctor’s Visitation to instead Stride and then use either Administer First Aid or Treat Condition (if you have that feat).

PFS StandardTreat Condition [two-actions] Feat 4

Archetype Healing Manipulate Skill 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 208 1.1
Archetype Medic
Prerequisites Medic Dedication
Requirements You are holding healer's tools, or you are wearing them and have a hand free.

You treat an adjacent creature in an attempt to reduce the clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition. If a creature has multiple conditions from this list, choose one. Attempt a counteract check against the condition using your Medicine modifier as your counteract modifier and the condition’s source to determine the DC. You can’t treat a condition that came from an artifact or effect above 20th level unless you have Legendary Medic; even if you do, the counteract DC increases by 10. Treating a Condition that is continually applied under certain circumstances (for instance, the enfeebled condition a holy character gains from carrying a weapon with the unholy rune) has no effect as long as the circumstances continue.

Critical Success Reduce the condition value by 2.
Success Reduce the condition value by 1.
Critical Failure Increase the condition value by 1.

PFS StandardHolistic Care Feat 6

Archetype Skill 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 208 1.1
Archetype Medic
Prerequisites Treat Condition; trained in Diplomacy

You provide emotional and spiritual care. Add frightened, stupefied, and stunned to the list of conditions you can reduce with Treat Condition. If the stunned condition has a duration instead of a value, you can’t use Treat Condition to reduce it.

PFS StandardPreventative Treatment Feat 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Secret 
Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 81
Archetype Medic
Prerequisites Medic Dedication; Treat Condition
Access Knights of Lastwall have access to this feat.

You provide preventative remedies and care to help your patient fight off future maladies. You Treat a Condition the target doesn't yet have, naming any condition you could normally treat with Treat Condition. The counteract check gains the secret trait, so the GM rolls it secretly. The next time within the next minute the creature would be affected by that condition, your treatment immediately attempts to reduce the condition value with the effects of Treat Condition, using the secret roll result for the check. Preventative Treatment lasts on a creature for 1 minute, until the treatment is used, or until you use Preventative Treatment again on that creature, whichever comes first.

PFS StandardResuscitate [three-actions] Feat 16

Archetype Healing Manipulate 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 208 1.1
Archetype Medic
Prerequisites Medic Dedication; legendary in Medicine
Requirements You are holding healer's tools, or you are wearing them and have a hand free.

You resuscitate the dead. Attempt a DC 40 Medicine check to revive a dead creature who has been dead for no more than 3 rounds and whose body is mostly intact. If you succeed, the target returns to life with the effects of raise dead, except it still has the wounded condition it had before dying, increased by 1 (or wounded 1 if it wasn’t wounded before dying). Whether you succeed or fail, the target is temporarily immune to Resuscitate for 1 day.