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Golden Branding IronItem 5+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Magical Talisman Transmutation 
Source Pathfinder #179: Cradle of Quartz pg. 76
Usage affixed to a two-handed firearm or crossbow; Bulk
Activate [free-action] envision; Trigger You hit a target with a ranged Strike with the affixed weapon; Requirements You're an expert with the affixed weapon.
This talisman is a gold-plated brand that can be affixed to a ranged weapon's stock. When you activate a golden branding iron, you mark the target with your magical sigil.

PFS LimitedGolden Branding IronItem 5

Source Pathfinder #179: Cradle of Quartz pg. 76
Price 25 gp
You harmlessly place your unique magical sigil, which is about 1 square inch in size, anywhere on the target creature, as long as the location is visible to you. The mark is only visible to you and up to 6 of your allies. The mark can be scrubbed or scraped off with 5 minutes of work. It fades naturally over the course of a month.

PFS LimitedGolden Branding Iron (Greater)Item 9

Source Pathfinder #179: Cradle of Quartz pg. 76
Price 120 gp
Your arcane sigil fades naturally over the course of a year.

PFS LimitedGolden Branding Iron (Major)Item 13

Source Pathfinder #179: Cradle of Quartz pg. 76
Price 450 gp
Your arcane sigil never fades naturally.