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PFS StandardEnergizingItem 6

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Magical 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 10
PFS Note Due to their connection to the shop’s proprietor, all Pathfinder Society agents have access to the items from Barghest’s Bin

Price 250 gp
Usage etched onto a weapon; Bulk
A weapon with this rune can absorb energy damage to empower it.

Activate [reaction] envision; Trigger You take acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage; Effect The weapon becomes imbued with the triggering energy type. It deals an additional 1d8 damage of the triggering type until the end of your next turn. As normal, if you use this reaction again during the duration, the damage doesn't combine; instead, change the 1d8 damage to the new triggering type of damage and change the duration to the end of your next turn.