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PFS LimitedHerd MaskItem 6

This Item may contain spoilers from the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Conjuration Invested Magical Teleportation 
Source Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic pg. 73, Treasure Vault pg. 154 1.1; There is a more recent version of this item. Click here to view.
Price 210 gp
Usage worn mask; Bulk
All herd masks are linked to at least one other herd mask and are usually sold in sets of multiple masks. Linked herd masks look similar to one another, with only the slightest of differences to tell them apart.

Activate [two-actions] envision; Frequency once per day; Effect You swap locations with another creature wearing a linked herd mask within 100 feet. If you and the creature you swapped with are disguised as each other, other creatures gain an immediate Perception check against the lower of your or the other wearer's Deception DCs to Impersonate each other. On a failure, they don't realize the swap occurred.

Craft Requirements Supply a casting of dimension door. You can link a herd mask you create to another herd mask in your possession when you finish crafting it, which causes it to be linked to the chosen mask as well as all other herd masks that are also linked to the chosen mask.