Golem GrafterLegacy Content
Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 74You have replaced a portion of your body with artifice of the kind used to create
golems, fortifying your flesh with the unyielding might of magical constructs.
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Extinction Curse Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 74Archetype Golem GrafterPrerequisites expert in
Arcana and
Crafting, or an ally with expert proficiency in those skills willing to augment you
Your flesh has been specially treated with the same arcane and alchemical processes used to toughen the skin of
flesh golems. Increase your maximum Hit Points by an amount equal to your level. You gain resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to your number of class feats from the golem grafter archetype.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the golem grafter archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Curse Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 74Archetype Golem GrafterPrerequisites Golem Grafter Dedication; expert in unarmed attacks
You have replaced one of your forearms with one made of clay and infused with cursed arcane magic. When you make an unarmed Strike with your clay fist and hit, your target takes a –2 status penalty to saving throws against
curse effects for 1 hour.
Special The damage die for your clay fist is 1d8, and it loses the
agile and
finesse traits of a typical fist.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 74Archetype Golem GrafterFrequency once per turn
Prerequisites Golem Grafter Dedication
You’ve replaced your heart with one made of animated quicksilver and living adamantine. You reduce your
slowed condition by 1. Alternatively, if you are not slowed, you are
quickened 1 during your next turn, and can use your extra action to Stride or Strike.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 74Archetype Golem GrafterPrerequisites Golem Grafter Dedication
You gain a +2 status bonus to your Fortitude and Reflex DCs against attempts to
Shove or
Trip you. You can Shove creatures even if you don’t have a hand free. When you successfully Shove a foe, you can Stride away from your opponent (instead of toward it), but you must move the same distance in the opposite direction from where you Shoved it.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 74Archetype Golem GrafterPrerequisites Golem Grafter Dedication
Your lungs are infused with the resilience of iron. Treat the result of your save against an
inhaled poison as one degree of success better than you rolled. Additionally, you gain the following ability.
Exhale Poison (
[two-actions] Frequency once per hour;
Requirement You were within the area of an inhaled poison within the last minute;
Effect You sharply exhale the poison that previously surrounded you in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the area are affected by the poison; the poison's DC and effects are unchanged.