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PFS StandardThrice-Fried MudwingsItem 12

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Consumable Magical 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 47
Price 350 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
Frying mudwings—the remains of magical winged creatures found in blighted swamps—is a delicate balance. Cooked for too long and they lose their potency; cooked too briefly and the toxins in their system could end up harming whoever eats them. When you consume a perfectly cooked tapas, you grow two sets of mudwings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet or your Speed, whichever is lower, for 10 minutes. You can also use the following Activation.

Activate [reaction] Interact; Trigger You would take damage from a physical attack; Effect You intercept the attack with a pair of your wings. You gain resistance 15 against physical damage for the triggering attack only, shattering one set of your wings in the process. The first time you use this Activation, your fly Speed becomes 15 feet, or half your Speed, whichever is lower, for the duration. After the second time, your mudwings are shattered entirely, ending the effect.