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PFS StandardMood Cloud

Air Elemental 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 42 2.0
Required Number of Abilities 3
Granted Abilities elemental (air only), flier

This air elemental is little more than a tiny cloud with just enough internality to have emotions. Elemental scholars believe mood clouds to be related to despairing palls, though far less evolved.

Emote [one-action]

Source Rage of Elements pg. 42 2.0
Frequency once per round; Effect The cloud of sentiment changes the expression on its miniature face. It prepares to Aid you on a skill check for a skill matching its expression: Deception for an inscrutable expression, Diplomacy for a friendly expression, or Intimidation for an angry expression. It gains a reaction this round, which it can use only to Aid you in this way. It automatically succeeds at its check to Aid you with the skill or automatically critically succeeds if you're a master of the skill in question.