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PFS StandardRanger

Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
You have studied hunting, tracking, and wilderness survival, adding a ranger’s tools to your skill set. Your keen eyes while hunting prey help gather more information.

Multiclass Ranger characters

The ranger archetype has access to excellent options to improve a character’s monster knowledge and survival skills, but ranger is of particular interest to any character wanting to become a dedicated archer.
  • Bard rangers support their allies and animal companions with expanded combat options. The bard’s knowledge can also complement the ranger’s investigation of their foes.
  • Cleric rangers are particularly fitting for deities who connect thematically to nature or have a bow as their favored weapon. (Or, in the case of Erastil, both!)
  • Druids have the most thematic overlap with rangers among the spellcasters, allowing you to create a true master of the wilderness.
  • Fighter rangers are among the most fearsome archers, combining the feats from both classes to create a fighting style unique to each fighter ranger. Some warden spells can also be particularly helpful to a fighter.
  • Rogue rangers make excellent snipers or ranged skirmishers, with their rogue skills naturally playing into the ranger’s strengths.
  • Witch rangers add a new prowess scouting to the information they can gain through their familiar and patron.
  • Wizard rangers benefit greatly from ranger’s feat support, backing up their spells with ranged weapon attacks.

PFS StandardRanger Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication Multiclass 
Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
Archetype Ranger
Prerequisites Dexterity +2

You become trained in Survival; if you were already trained in Survival, you instead become trained in another skill of your choice. You become trained in ranger class DC.

If you gain a warden spell through this archetype, you become trained in spell attacks and spell DCs. Your spellcasting attribute is Wisdom.

You can use the Hunt Prey action.

PFS StandardBasic Hunter's Trick Feat 4

Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
Archetype Ranger
Prerequisites Ranger Dedication

You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level ranger feat.

PFS StandardRanger Resiliency Feat 4

Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
Archetype Ranger
Prerequisites Ranger Dedication; class granting no more Hit Points per level than 8 + your Constitution modifier

You gain 3 additional Hit Points for each ranger archetype class feat you have. As you continue selecting ranger archetype class feats, you continue to gain additional Hit Points in this way.

PFS StandardAdvanced Hunter's Trick Feat 6

Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
Archetype Ranger
Prerequisites Basic Hunter's Trick

You gain one ranger feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your ranger level is equal to half your character level.

Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another ranger feat.

PFS StandardMaster Spotter (Ranger) Feat 12

Source Player Core pg. 220 2.0
Archetype Ranger
Prerequisites Ranger Dedication; expert in Perception

Your proficiency rank in Perception increases to master.