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Source Bestiary 2 pg. 187 2.0
These cunning marine animals live in a variety of ocean habitats.


Blue-Ringed Octopus (Creature 0), Giant Octopus (Creature 8), Reef Octopus (Creature 1)

Sidebar - Related Creatures Octopus Species

The octopuses presented here are smaller versions of the much larger giant octopus, but other species exist as well. The brightly colored seafire octopus occupies a predatory niche somewhere between the reef octopus and giant octopus—its bite injects a venom that causes a painful rash and nausea. The immense grisly octopus is among the largest of its kind. It can swallow humans whole and can squirt particularly sticky crimson ink to incapacitate prey.

Sidebar - Locations Octopus Town

Athamaru explorers in the Obari Ocean southeast of Jalmeray discovered a massive colony of giant octopuses on the ocean floor. There, numerous shelters made of ocean rock and shipwreck detritus served as simple dwellings. The residents showed a surprising amount of organization, holding massive gatherings and sending off a few of their kind at a time as hunting parties to bring back food for the rest. The few athamarus who returned attested to the perceptiveness and cunning of these giant creatures.