Actions | Activities

Prepare Campsite

Concentrate Exploration Move 
Source Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 107
You spend 2 hours searching the hex for a safe and secure location to make camp and then setting up the campsite itself by attempting a Survival check against the Zone DC of the region you're located in (see the Camping Zones table). Once a campsite is prepared, you can use the Prepare Campsite activity in this same hex again in the future (but no more than once per 24 hours) to automatically achieve the same degree of success with only an hour of work.

Critical Success You find the perfect spot for a camp. Flat checks to determine encounters at the campsite for the next 24 hours have a DC 2 higher than normal, and the first hour spent performing Camping activities does not incur the usual flat check for random encounters.
Success You find a serviceable spot for a camp and for Camping activities.
Failure Your campsite will work, but it's not the best. Campsite activities that require checks take a –2 penalty.
Critical Failure The campsite is a mess. You can use it to rest and to perform daily preparations, but it isn't good enough to allow for Campsite activities at all. Worse, your attempt to secure a campsite has possibly attracted unwanted attention—attempt a flat check against the zone's Encounter DC. If successful, a random encounter automatically occurs.