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Siege Weapons

Source Guns & Gears pg. 72 2.0
There are two categories of siege weapons: mounted and portable. Mounted siege weapons take up a certain size and space, typically have defensive statistics, and are used for large-scale warfare. More adaptable are portable siege weapons, such as battering rams, which can be carried more easily and can serve a valuable role during large-scale warfare, smaller conflicts, or even exploration.

All siege weapons need more than one person to operate them, working together as a crew. These crew members all need to be adjacent to the siege weapon for it to operate. A siege weapon's stat block lists the minimum number needed and the maximum crew size. Adding additional crew beyond the minimum is useful for ensuring a quick and successful Load in uncertain conditions and allowing for enough time to Aim the siege weapon when firing at a moving target.

Black Powder Siege Weapons

The advent of black powder is beginning to offer a new sort of weapon to warriors in Golarion, one that isn't dependent on the physical strength of the wielder. Siege weapons like ballistae and trebuchets create tremendous force at a distance with the efforts of multiple operators, allowing for destructive power to rival even mighty spellcasters. Black powder siege weapons take the potential of such machines of war and amplify it to the next level, adding explosive power to the cooperative efforts of the crew. In addition to the force of the black powder ignition itself, black powder siege weapons are able to funnel and direct the energy through a reinforced barrel or muzzle in ways torsion and counterweights cannot, increasing the accuracy, range, and impact of the weapon.

Siege weapons of all kinds operate largely the same way whether they incorporate black powder in their design or not. The Aiming, Loading, Launching, and Move Siege Weapon actions are all identical to the rules found here. The most notable change is the chance of misfire; just like a firearm, improper use, inadequate cleaning, and a number of other factors can lead to deficiencies in a piece of artillery. The construction of the weapons and ammunition are also more expensive and harder to find due to the more advanced makeup. More details on black powder siege weapons can be found here.

Click here for the full rules on Siege Weapons.

Mounted Siege Weapons

Trapdoor ActuatorItem 3

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 140 gp; Ammunition iron rod (5 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 2; Proficiency simple
AC 16; Fort +12; Ref +4
Hardness 5; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Trapdoor actuators are designed to be well hidden (usually as part of a cliff face) and operated by small, untrained crews. Cleverly designed springs launch an iron rod from the protective wall. Typically, this level of camouflage allows the trapdoor actuator to remain unnoticed unless a creature succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check to spot it. After a launch, the trapdoor actuator’s camouflage can be reset as a two-action activity.

Aim [two-actions] 25 feet, minimum distance 10 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 100 feet) 3d10 bludgeoning, single target, DC 18 Reflex

HwachaItem 4

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 175 2.0
Price 180 gp; Ammunition 100 hwacha arrows (2 gp, 1 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 8 feet long, 6 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 1-4; Proficiency simple
AC 16; Fort +11; Ref +4
Hardness 5; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 25 feet (pulled or pushed)
Rather than a shoot a single, large projectile like a boulder, the hwacha fires dozens of rocket-propelled arrows at once. The frame of the hwacha holds 100 tubes, each loaded with an arrow or a small bundle of arrows wrapped with a small amount of black powder and attached to a fuse. By lighting a master fuse, you can make all of the arrows fire in rapid succession.
Aim [two-actions] 40 feet, minimum distance 40 feet
Load [three-actions] (manipulate) Each Load action loads 10 hwacha arrows. Taking the Launch action requires three Load actions to load 30 hwacha arrows, but you can continue to Load more arrows to increase the effect of the next Launch action, as detailed below.
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 300 feet) 4d8 piercing, 20-foot burst, DC 18 Reflex. If you loaded at least 70 hwacha arrows, the area increases to a 25-foot burst. If you loaded 100 hwacha arrows, the area increases to a 30-foot burst and the damage to 5d8 piercing.

BombardItem 5

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 173 2.0
Price 300 gp; Ammunition stone spheres (4 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 17; Fort +12; Ref +5
Hardness 10; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed or pulled)
Bombards are some of the oldest and simplest of black powder siege weapons, devised based on many of the same principles as a hand cannon, but deploying them on a larger scale and scope. A bombard's body is usually made of brass or iron, which causes the bombard to resemble the shape of a large bell. While they are capable of moving very slowly, their clumsy and weighty design means bombards usually remain stationary. This in turn means they're often used more defensively than offensively
Aim [two-actions] 30 feet, minimum distance 30 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 150 feet) 4d10 bludgeoning, 10-foot burst, DC 19 Reflex

BallistaItem 5

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 74 2.0
Price 320 gp; Ammunition ballista bolt (5 sp, 1 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet tall
Crew 2; Proficiency martial
AC 17; Fort +12; Ref +11
Hardness 10; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet (pulled or pushed)
Resembling a massive crossbow mounted on a tripod, but with a pair of arms for torsion instead of a single prod, a ballista flings massive bolts. Also referred to as a scorpion, this weapon requires fewer crew members than the larger heavy ballista and can be Aimed and Loaded much more quickly.
Aim [one-action] 35 feet, minimum distance 25 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times
Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 120 feet) 4d12 piercing, single target, DC 19 Reflex

Marking Powder CannonItem 5

Rare Large Light Magical Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 116 2.1
Price 350 gp; Ammunition marking fluid canister (3 gp, 2 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 7 feet long, 4 feet wide, 3 feet high
Crew 2; Proficiency simple
AC 18; Fort +13; Ref +11
Hardness 8; HP 36 (BT 18); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pulled or pushed)
The fine spray dispersed by a marking powder cannon outlines beasts that evade sight. This weapon was developed against creatures that use brush to hide their approach, but its application has spread to include underwater creatures and nighttime predators. The spray is an oil that shimmers orange, making it an excellent camouflage breaker. It is also used to mark targets, if multiple creatures are expected to approach simultaneously.

Aim [two-actions] 60 feet, minimum distance 30 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 100 feet) 10- foot burst, DC 19 Reflex. Creatures who fail the saving throw are coated with marking fluid, which glows with dim orange light out to 10 feet for 1 hour or until the fluid is washed off. In addition, on a failed save creatures that were undetected become hidden and affected creatures that were hidden become concealed. An invisible creature that fails its save has its invisibility negated for 2 rounds, during which time it is concealed instead of invisible. Affected creatures take a –2 penalty to Stealth checks to Hide and Sneak for as long as they are coated with marking fluid.

Pheromone SprayerItem 5

Uncommon Large Alchemical Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 116 2.1
Price 350 gp; Ammunition concentrated pheromone tank (30 gp, 1 Bulk), water tank (5 sp, 1 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 12 feet long, 6 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 19; Fort +18; Ref +6
Hardness 8; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pulled or pushed)
Pheromone sprayers are used to fire mass amounts of alchemical animal pheromones in a more weaponized form to allow researchers an easy way to influence otherwise dangerous creatures. Like animal pheromones, the ammunition for this siege weapon must be crafted for a specific kind of animal. A pheromone sprayer consists of two large tanks mounted atop a narrow, cannon-like barrel. One of the tanks contains concentrated alchemical pheromones, while the other tank is loaded with water, which is used to dilute the pheromones to produce different effects upon launch.

Aim [one-action] rotate 45°

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, olfactory) 80-foot line or 40-foot cone, DC 20 Will. Switching between the line or cone mode takes an Interact action, which any of the crew can perform. Designated kinds of animals that fail their save experience the following effects, depending on dilution.
  • Low Dilution Affected creatures are stunned 2.
  • Medium Dilution Affected creatures are fascinated by the scent of the pheromones and off-guard until the end of their next turn.
  • High Dilution Affected creatures are slowed 1 for 1 minute.

CatapultItem 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 75 2.0
Price 650 gp; Ammunition stones (0 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +15; Ref +8
Hardness 10; HP 60 (BT 30); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pushed or pulled)
A sturdy wooden frame holds the spring-loaded beam that gives this weapon its power. At the end of the beam, a bowl-shaped wooden recession holds the payload, typically heavy stones. The arm is winched back to create torsion, until the release is pulled to abruptly swing the arm forward and fling the payload.
Aim [two-actions] 50 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 150 feet) 5d10 bludgeoning, 10-foot burst, DC 22 Reflex

Harpoon CannonItem 7

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 115 2.1
Price 700 gp; Ammunition harpoon cannon bolt (3 gp, 2 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 9 feet long, 7 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +17; Ref +13
Hardness 10; HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pulled or pushed)
Harpoon cannons fire bolts about 6 feet long that are attached to 200 feet of rope. Traditionally, they are used at sea to impale aquatic creatures, particularly giant squids, megalodons, and sea serpents. But these weapons can also be useful to tether land-based big game, especially those with the capability to burrow.

Aim [one-action] 60 feet, minimum distance 40 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range 200 feet) 6d12 piercing, single target, DC 22 Reflex. On a failed save, the harpoon becomes lodged in the target’s body. The target can remove the harpoon with a DC 22 check to Escape or Force Open, but on a failure, the target takes 6d4 piercing damage. As long as the harpoon cannon bolt remains lodged, the target cannot move more than 200 feet away from the harpoon cannon. If the harpoon cannon bolt is embedded in a creature that isn’t swimming, one member of the crew can attempt to Trip the creature by tugging on the rope if all other crew members Aid. On a failure, the bolt rips free, causing 4d4 piercing damage to the target but releasing it.

Kickback SpringItem 7

Uncommon Gargantuan Magical Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 115 2.1
Price 700 gp; Ammunition kickback charge (2 gp, 1 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 18 feet long, 5 feet wide, 7 feet high
Crew 2; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +16; Ref +13
Hardness 10; HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities object immunities
A smaller version of the kickback spring was first deployed as a deterrent to keep crops safe from nuisance foragers like moose. These larger versions often line walls or other defensive points, providing a final layer of protection before a large creature would breach such areas. The kickback spring fires a compressed disk of rapidly expanding air at creatures, attempting to push them back and provide defenders a moment to regroup.

Aim [two-actions] 25 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 22 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (air, attack, manipulate, range increment 60 feet) 6d8 bludgeoning, 15-foot cone, DC 22 Reflex. A creature that fails its Reflex save is pushed 25 feet away from the kickback spring as air rapidly vents from the device. On a critical failure, a creature falls prone after being pushed back.

SpringaldItem 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 76 2.0
Price 700 gp; Ammunition springald arrows (5 sp, 2 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 15 feet long, 12 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +16; Ref +13
Hardness 10; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed or pulled)
A springald consists of a wooden board cranked backward and chutes that hold up to three oversized arrows. Rather than having a nock, each arrow has a flat back end. Releasing the board strikes the backs of the arrows, sending them hurtling through the air.
Aim [two-actions] 30 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times
Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 100 feet) 5d8 piercing, three different targets within a 15-foot burst, DC 22 Reflex

MortarItem 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Medium Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 176 2.0
Price 720 gp; Ammunition mortar round (5 gp, 1 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 3-4; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +15; Ref +8
Hardness 12; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet (pulled or pushed)
A mortar fires its shells at a high angle, allowing it to bypass obstacles and strike from above. A crew typically sets up such a weapon behind a wall or in another hard-to-access area to protect themselves while retaining full functionality. Due to the steep angle of its arc, such mortars are especially useful when opposing barricaded targets.
Aim [two-actions] 40 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times
Launch [two-actions] (manipulate, range increment 100 feet) 5d10 slashing, 20-foot burst, DC 21. Because a mortar launches its round at a high angle, the mortar round descends on the center of the burst from above, not in a straight line from the mortar. This affects whether creatures have cover from the mortar launch.

CannonItem 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 174 2.0
Price 900 gp; Ammunition cannonball (10 gp, 6 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 7 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 22; Fort +16; Ref +9
Hardness 15; HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pushed or pulled)
Cannons are perhaps the most well known of all black powder siege weapons, and that's because they represent a good midpoint between power and expense. Keeps and fortresses in Alkenstar prefer to fortify their forces with cannons, as they're relatively easy to construct and their ammunition is cheap enough to build up great supplies.
Aim [three-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 200 feet) 6d12 bludgeoning, single target, DC 23 Reflex

Heavy BallistaItem 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 75 2.0
Price 900 gp; Ammunition heavy ballista bolt (3 gp, 3 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 15 feet long, 12 feet wide, 12 feet high
Crew 3-6; Proficiency martial
AC 22; Fort +18; Ref +12
Hardness 15; HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pushed or pulled)
Capable of launching bolts the size of fully grown trees, a heavy ballista is best suited to smashing down castle gates, walls, or similar fortifications.
Aim [two-actions] 60 feet, minimum distance 40 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 180 feet) 7d12 piercing, single target, DC 23 Reflex

FiredrakeItem 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 175 2.0
Price 1,000 gp; Ammunition alchemical fire barrel (50 gp, 3 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 15 feet long, 12 feet wide, 10 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 22; Fort +16; Ref +9
Hardness 12; HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pushed or pulled)
This alchemical black powder hybrid siege weapon uses a blast of black powder to spray alchemical fire from a long metal nozzle, often sculpted or painted with designs resembling a dragon's neck and head. The nozzle turns on a ratcheted, rotating disc with a reservoir in the center to hold a barrel full of combustible alchemical liquid, using black powder to propel the fire. This main structure is atop a wheeled cart to allow it to be easily moved. Unlike most mounted siege weapons, a firedrake is intended to be wheeled out into the thick of a skirmish rather than shooting from a distance.
Aim [two-actions] rotate 45º
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate) 8d6 fire plus 1d6 persistent fire, 60-foot line or 30-foot cone, DC 23 Reflex. Switching between the firedrake's line or cone mode takes an Interact action, and any of the crew can perform the action.

Heavy BombardItem 9

Legacy Content

Uncommon Gargantuan Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 175 2.0
Price 1,400 gp; Ammunition large stone spheres (8 gp, 16 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 17 feet long, 6 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 3-6; Proficiency martial
AC 23; Fort +18; Ref +10
Hardness 18; HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities object immunities
A heavy bombard looks like little more than a large metal cylinder, resembling the barrel of a firearm so large that it's immobile. The sheer size of the weapon allows it to strike far and hard.
Aim [three-actions] 50 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 250 feet) 7d10 bludgeoning, 20-foot burst, DC 25 Reflex

LashtailItem 9

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 116 2.1
Price 1,500 gp; Ammunition segmented chain (4 gp, 5 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 7 feet long, 15 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 23; Fort +21; Ref +13
Hardness 18; HP 64 (BT 32); Immunities object immunities
The lashtail is named after the segmented chain that the weapon sweeps in a horizontal arc. The chain links are thick and flat, which look somewhat like scales, and linked together to resemble a great dragon’s tail. The chain is stretched against a spring-backed launcher. When released, the lashtail swings the chain outward, typically aimed to take down stampeding animals approaching on foot.

Aim [two-actions] rotate 45°

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 26 Athletics

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 120 feet) 8d8 bludgeoning, 30-foot cone, DC 25 Reflex. A creature that fails its Reflex save is off-guard until the end of their next turn. On a critical failure, a creature is instead knocked prone by the chain.

Sonic HornItem 10

Uncommon Large Magical Mounted Sonic 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 2,000 gp; Ammunition resonating orb (320 gp, 6 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 2; Proficiency martial
AC 22; Fort +25; Ref +14
Hardness 12; HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pulled or pushed)
This siege weapon consists of a horn-shaped nozzle, a base typically decorated with ornate musical notes, and two cranks attached to both sides of the base. Crystalline resonating orbs made from powdered soniphak horn are inserted into a compartment within the base. Once an orb is loaded and the nozzle aimed, both cranks must be turned. This causes compressors within the base to grind away at the resonating orb, crushing it and releasing the sonic energy contained within. To reduce the likelihood of these weapons causing hearing damage, horns come equipped with earplugs and colored flags to enable crew members to communicate without the need for speech.

Aim [two-actions] 40 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [three-actions] (manipulate) 2 times. These load actions include donning earplugs and securing them during subsequent sonic horn firings. The earplugs impose a –2 item penalty to Perception checks involving sound, and may be removed with an Interact action.

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 250 feet) 6d12 sonic damage, 60-foot cone, DC 25 Fortitude. Creatures that fail or critically fail the save are also deafened for 3d6 rounds.

TrebuchetItem 10

Legacy Content

Uncommon Gargantuan Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 76 2.0
Price 2,000 gp; Ammunition stones (0 gp, 6 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 25 feet long, 15 feet wide, 25 feet high
Crew 4-6; Proficiency martial
AC 24; Fort +21; Ref +16
Hardness 17; HP 68 (BT 34); Immunities object immunities
Built with a long wooden arm and a heavy counterweight, a trebuchet can hurl massive projectiles from a large sling, releasing the projectile at the ideal point in the arm's arc.
Aim [two-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 200 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 400 feet) 8d10 bludgeoning, 20-foot burst, DC 26 Reflex

Fiend's Mouth CannonItem 11

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 174 2.0
Price 2,800 gp; Ammunition cannonball (10 gp, 6 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 15 feet long, 15 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 3-6; Proficiency martial
AC 26; Fort +21; Ref +13
Hardness 18; HP 90 (BT 45); Immunities object immunities
Fiend's mouth cannons are large-scale cannons designed to blast a target at great distance, from a stationary location. They get their name from the fiendish features usually adorning their barrels and frames. Compared to a standard field cannon, a fiend's mouth cannon can be aimed more easily, but flexibility comes at the cost of mobility. The barrel rests on a platform which can be rotated 360 degrees to allow for precise aiming.
Aim [two-actions] 200 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 300 feet) 8d12 bludgeoning, single target, DC 27 Reflex

Seedpod ShooterItem 11

Rare Huge Magical Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 3,000 gp; Ammunition enchanted seedpods (10 gp, 1 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 12 feet long, 15 feet wide, 10 feet high
Crew 3-6; Proficiency martial
AC 26; Fort +23; Ref +13
Hardness 10; HP 90 (BT 45); Immunities object immunities
A large quantity of enchanted seedpods are packed into a seedpod shooter’s funnel. The siege engine controls the dispersal of seedpods into the air and enhances their speed and sharpness when fired. While these seedpods naturally whistle when blown through the air, the device causes this sound to reverberate at a frequency that can cause nausea.

Aim [two-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times

Launch [one-action] (attack, auditory, manipulate, range increment 300 feet) 8d12 slashing, 30-foot burst, DC 27 Reflex. A creature that fails their Reflex save becomes sickened 2.

Alchemical SpringaldItem 13

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 173 2.0
Price 6,000 gp; Ammunition bomb arrows (100 gp, 2 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 15 feet long, 12 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 29; Fort +23; Ref +16
Hardness 15; HP 200 (BT 100); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed or pulled)
Like the standard springald, an alchemical springald can launch three arrows simultaneously when its paddle is released. It fires specially crafted and balanced bomb arrows that carry black powder enhanced alchemical payloads that explode on impact.
Aim [two-actions] 30 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 100 feet) 10d6 damage and 3 splash damage, three different targets within a 15-foot burst, DC 30 Reflex. The damage type depends on the alchemical ammunition used: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Creatures take the splash damage only once from the launch, even if they're in the area of more than one of the three splashes.

Anesthetizing JawsItem 13

Rare Large Magical Mounted Nonlethal 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 114 2.1
Price 6,000 gp; Ammunition spring-loaded iron jaw (25 gp, 2 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 8 feet long, 6 feet wide, 4 feet high
Crew 3; Proficiency martial
AC 30; Fort +29; Ref +19
Hardness 15; HP 160 (BT 80); Immunities object immunities
Communities use these large jaws to nonlethally subdue large game so it can be safely moved, treated for injury, or otherwise studied. The jaws are attached via a length of chain, which channels stunning magic into the target and aids in retrieval.

Aim [two-actions] 50 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range 250 feet, versatile B) 9d10 piercing, single target, DC 31 Reflex. On a failure, the target is also grabbed. On a critical failure, the target is restrained instead of grabbed. A target that is grabbed or restrained by the anesthetizing jaws is attached to the weapon by the linked chain. Until the creature Escapes the jaws, it cannot move more than 250 feet from the anesthetizing jaws. The Escape DC is 32.

Anesthetic Surge [two-actions] (attack, manipulate) Requirements The anesthetizing jaws have a creature grabbed or restrained; Effect A crew member activates the anesthetic properties of the jaws, which deals 8d12 mental damage (DC 30 basic Will) to the grabbed or restrained creature

Steelheart 21Item 13

Legacy Content

Rare Large Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 175 2.0
Price 6,000 gp; Ammunition artillery shell (80 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 9 feet long, 7 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 4-6; Proficiency martial
AC 29; Fort +23; Ref +16
Hardness 18; HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet (pulled or pushed)
Named for Brondar Steelheart, one of the most important historical dwarven pioneers in the use of black powder, this remarkable piece of new Dongun artillery uses metallurgy and alchemy to negate nearly all of the immense amount of recoil a shot from a siege weapon usually produces. The barrel of the Steelheart 21 is suspended in a mix of alchemical fluids that first compress to dampen the recoil when fired, then expand to push the barrel back into place afterwards. The result reduces the amount of time needed to reset the aim of the siege weapon. The crew member who launches the Steelheart 21 can use the Quick Aim reaction (below), allowing them to adjust the weapon's aim on the fly as they fire to adapt to a faulty initial target, changing battlefield conditions, the use of illusions by the enemy, or any of a variety of other factors that lead to the need to alter the siege weapon's course.

Quick Aim [reaction] Trigger You Launch this siege weapon, after determining the effects of the Launch action. Effect You Aim this siege weapon, moving the aim up to 10 feet instead of its normal distance.
Aim [two-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 150 feet
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [one-action] (manipulate, range increment 500 feet) 8d12 bludgeoning, 20-foot burst, DC 30 Reflex

Alkenstar CannonItem 15

Legacy Content

Rare Huge Mounted 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 176 2.0
Price 12,000 gp; Ammunition scattershot barrels (25 gp, 5 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 18 feet long, 7 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 4-6; Proficiency martial
AC 32; Fort +26; Ref +18
Hardness 15; HP 200 (BT 100); Immunities object immunities
Speed 10 feet (pushed or pulled)
Named for Ancil Alkenstar, this bronze cannon is one of the largest pieces of mobile artillery ever deployed, though its immense weight limits just how mobile it actually is. The barrel of an Alkenstar cannon is nearly 3 feet in diameter, making it impractical to manufacture and handle cannonballs of sufficient size. Instead, Alkenstar cannons spray buckshot in a similar way to blunderbusses, firing large barrels that break apart mid-flight and release a rain of scattershot over a massive area. The slow movement and short range make this siege weapon fit fewer situations than most, but when used effectively, such as to stop a charge of Mana Waste mutants against the walls of Alkenstar, the results are devastating.
Aim [three-actions] 50 feet, minimum distance 50 feet
Load [three-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check
Launch [two-actions] (manipulate, range increment 50 feet) 10d12 bludgeoning, 50-foot burst, DC 33 Reflex

Aquatic DisintegratorItem 15

Rare Large Alchemical Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 114 2.1
Price 12,500 gp; Ammunition seasplinter capsule (1,200 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 6 feet long, 4 feet wide, 3 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 30; Fort +32; Ref +18
Hardness 17; HP 200 (BT 100); Immunities object immunities
Speed 20 feet (pulled or pushed)
Originally developed as a means of deterring kaiju rampages, aquatic disintegrators are specialized cannons designed to fire capsules containing seasplinter, a compound that is harmless on land but erupts in saltwater, causing a chain reaction that devastates any beings that contain salt in their bodies (which is most creatures). While aquatic disintegrators have never put a permanent end to any known kaiju, the damage they inflict upon other marine life has generated mass outcry, with athamarus and other advocates of Golarion's oceans calling for their complete ban. Despite the controversy, these lethal weapons have found popularity on the black market with marine hunters and pirates who care little about ecological impact when it comes to battling titans of the deep.

Aim [three-actions] 100 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 200 feet) 10d10 damage (no damage type), 30-foot burst, DC 33 Reflex. The seasplinter capsule must land in saltwater for this damage to occur. Any creature in the burst radius whose body is not in saltwater takes no damage and doesn't need to attempt a Reflex save. A creature reduced to 0 HP by this damage disintegrates into a skeleton.
Success The target takes half damage.
Failure The target takes full damage and is stunned 1.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is stunned 2.

Seismic AmplifierItem 15

Rare Huge Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 13,000 gp; Ammunition resonance rods (25 gp, 5 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 15 feet long, 12 feet wide, 18 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 29; Fort +32; Ref +18
Hardness 20; HP 140 (BT 70); Immunities object immunities
Seismic amplifiers are devastating underground, where they tap into the energy of nearby faults. Installing one requires drilling a steel shaft into the stone and loading it with crystal resonance rods. Breaking the rod releases the energy into a disk-like amplifier. Any creatures burrowed into ground within the burst treat the result of their Reflex save as one step worse.

Aim [two-actions] 200 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 25 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 200 feet) 9d12 bludgeoning, 5-foot burst, DC 33 Reflex

Portable Siege Weapons

Door RamItem 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Small Portable 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 75 2.0
Price 30 gp
Usage portable, held in 4 hands
Crew 2; Proficiency simple
A door ram is a small siege weapon meant for breaking down doors, palisades, and weak portcullises. It consists of a log with an iron cap, and has handholds carved into it or grips attached to it.
Ram [two-actions] Requirements The other member of the crew has Readied to Stride on your order; Effect You and the other crew member Stride, with a maximum distance equal to the slowest crew member's Speed, then make a melee Strike with the ram against a structure or an unattended, stationary object. The damage of this Strike is 2d8 + the highest Strength modifier among members of the crew.

TeekdoonItem 1

Uncommon Large Portable 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 50 gp; Ammunition boulder (0 gp, 5 Bulk)
Usage portable, held in 8 hands
Crew 4-6; Proficiency simple
While the official name of this contraption is the “portable catapult,” it gained the name “teekdoon” as a reference to the weapon’s initial inspiration: the diving takedowns of peregrine falcons. However, it replaces elegant dives with the brute force of falling weights that hit targets from above.

Aim [two-actions] 25 feet, minimum distance 25 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 12 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 80 feet) 2d8 bludgeoning, single target, DC 14 Reflex. A boulder launched from a teekdoon descends on a creature from above, which might affect if a creature has cover against the attack.

Battering RamItem 5

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Portable 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 74 2.0
Price 160 gp
Usage portable, held in 12 hands
Crew 6; Proficiency martial
Simple but powerful, a battering ram is a full tree stripped of limbs with one end clad in iron, often shaped like a ram's head. Large handles are affixed to the sides so it can be hefted and carried by a crew.
Ram [two-actions] Requirements The other members of the crew have Readied to Stride on your order; Effect You and the crew Stride, with a maximum distance equal to the slowest crew member's Speed, then make a melee Strike with the ram against a structure or an unattended, stationary object. The damage of this Strike is 5d8 + the highest Strength modifier among members of the crew.

Covered Battering RamItem 6

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Portable 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 74 2.0
Price 250 gp
Usage portable, held in 12 hands
Crew 6; Proficiency martial
Though it has the same Ram activity as the basic battering ram, a covered battering ram is additionally suspended from a protective roof attached to large wheels. This gives the crew members greater cover against attacks from outside. The cover is on the left and right flank, but open on the front and rear to allow for operating the ram. The roof has AC 23, Hardness 12, HP 48, and BT 24. Breaking the roof doesn't affect the operation of the battering ram but eliminates the cover.

Blasting RamItem 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large Portable 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 173 2.0
Price 360 gp; Ammunition ram powder charge (2 gp, 1 Bulk)
Usage portable (black powder), held in 8 hands
Crew 4; Proficiency martial
A blasting ram is a smaller battering ram that supplements the crew's size with explosive force. A steel reservoir holds a charge of black powder that ignites on impact. The body of the ram is reinforced to absorb the force of the explosion, while the head itself has a blast shield to protect the crew. Despite being a portable siege weapon, a blast ram has the Load action, which the crew uses to load the powder charge in the ram's head.
Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times
Ram [two-actions] Requirements The other members of the crew have Readied to Stride on your order; Effect You and the crew Stride, with a maximum distance equal to the slowest crew member's Speed. Then, make a melee Strike with the ram against a structure or unattended stationary object. As you do, the black powder in the steel reservoir explodes, significantly increasing the damage of your attack. Due to the black powder's additional force, the damage of this Strike is 7d8 + the highest Strength modifier among members of the crew.

Blob Paste PropulsorItem 8

Uncommon Large Alchemical Portable 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 115 2.1
Price 900 gp; Ammunition blob paste (60 gp, 1 Bulk)
Usage portable, held in 6 hands
Crew 3; Proficiency martial
The blob paste propulsor is a mortar with a 25-foot hose attached to a reinforced pot. The pot holds blob paste, a viscous gunk synthesized from oozes. Twin levers are attached to the top of the pot and generate sparks within when pulled, temporarily transforming the gunk into a liquid form that can be aimed with the hose and mortar. This unique ammunition, as well as the weapon used to shoot it, was originally engineered by Garundi alchemists and inventors as an unorthodox but reliable means of knocking flying pests out of the sky. In recent years, blob paste propulsors have won high praise from wildlife researchers as a non-lethal means of subduing destructive monsters and keeping them alive for study and eventual release.

Aim [one-action] rotate 45°

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times

Launch [two-actions] (attack, manipulate, range increment 75 feet) Single target. If the Strike hits, blob paste immediately spreads across the target’s body, weighing it down and restricting movement. The target is grabbed for 1 minute, after which the blob paste melts away. The Escape DC to break free of the blob paste is 23.